How to Read Your Room Number

There's a lot of information packed into your room number! When you select your room on-campus, you'll get a room number that tells you the building, the floor, the room and even the bed you'll be sleeping in. Here's how to read your room number.

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{{ hall }}

This means that you're living in {{ hallReadable }}. Some other abbreviations you might see around campus include:

Abbreviation Hall
GLB Gilbert Hall
GTC, GTD Grant Towers C, D
NPE, NPW Neptune Hall East, West
ZZE, ZZW Patterson Hall East, West
STA, STB, STC, STD Stevenson Towers A, B, C, D
NV2, NV3, NV4, NV5, NV6 Northern View Community Building 2-6

{{ roomNumber }}

"{{ floorNumber }}" means you're living on the {{ floorNumberOrdinal }} floor, and "{{ roomSignNumber }}" is your cluster's number. This is the number that you'll see on the sign outside your cluster's door.

Each floor in Patterson EastWest has eight clusters, each cluster has six minisuites, and each minisuite has two bedrooms.

"{{ floorNumber }}" means you're living on the {{ floorNumberOrdinal }} floor, and your suiteapartmentroom number is {{ roomSignNumber }}.

When you're on your floor, this is the number that you'll see printed on the sign outside your suiteapartmentroom.

You'll use entrance {{ northernViewEntranceNumber }} to access your apartment.

Each building in Northern View has an A and a B entrance.

{{ roomSignNumber }}

{{ roomInSuite }}

An uppercase "{{ roomInSuite }}" tells you which of the six minisuites in your cluster belongs to you and your roommate.

Minisuites are labeled "A" through "F" in Patterson EastWest clusters.

{{ roomSignNumber }}
{{ roomInSuite }}

An uppercase "{{ roomInSuite }}" tells you which bedroom is yours in your apartment. Your "{{ roomInSuite }}" bedroom is closest to the living room/kitchen area.Your "{{ roomInSuite }}" bedroom is right across from the bathroom.

Most apartments have this letter labeled on the inside frame by the door hinges of the bedroom doors. On move-in day, if you're not sure which bedroom is yours, call the Northern View main office and we can help.

An uppercase "{{ roomInSuite }}" tells you which of the two bedrooms you have in your suite. In your suite withoutwith a bathroom, your room (the "{{ roomInSuite }}" room) will be {{ roomInSuiteLocation }}.

Overall, your suite has two bedrooms, a living room area and a bathroomtwo bedrooms and a living room area. When you're in your suite, this letter is what you'll see printed on the sign outside your room.

{{ roomInSuite }}

{{ bedNumber }}

"{{ bedNumber }}" is your bedroom number within your minisuite. It's either a 1 or a 2, since all minisuites only have two bedrooms.

Since you are in a minisuite, you will share a vanity area and bathroom with your suitemate. All the furniture inside room number 2 is yours. When you move in, you'll find the bed lofted per your request.

{{ roomInSuite }}{{ bedNumber }}

Normally, this lowercase letter "{{ bedNumber }}" at the end of a room number tells you which bed is yours in the room, but since you have a single room with only one bed (instead of a double or a suite), you can ignore it.

In other buildings, this lowercase letter at the end of a room number tells you which bed is yours in the room, but since Northern View apartments are unfurnished, you can ignore this.

Even your bed gets a letter. This lowercase letter "{{ bedNumber }}" means that you have the bed {{ bedLocation }} when you walk into your room, and the set of furniture on that side of the room is yours.

Your roommate has the other bed and other set of furniture. If you have a buyout room, both sets of furniture are yours and you don't have a roommate.

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Neptune East 101

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