
Bid Files

Arranged By: Chronological by date of bid opening
Application Number: 89-23
Item Number: 280.02


This record series consists of the bid files maintained by the Office of Purchasing. The records include copies of original bids, lists of bidders, copies of vendors bids, IEC (Illinois Educational Consortium) advertising letters, related correspondence, and supporting documentation. The Department of Central Management Services maintains their files of these documents for ten (10) years in accordance with approved State Records Application 79-111.


Retain in office for five (5) years, then dispose of provided all audits have been completed under the supervision of the Auditor General, if necessary, and no litigation is pending or anticipated.

Legal Advertisement Bills

Arranged By: By date of billing
Application Number: 89-23
Item Number: 280.03


This record series consists of bills received by the Purchasing Office for newspaper legal advertisements. These advertisements are placed in various newspapers to announce that the University will be accepting bids for goods and/or services that it intends to purchase.


Retain in office for six (6) years, then dispose of provided all audits have been completed under the supervision of the Auditor General, if necessary, and no litigation is pending or anticipated.

Freight Bills

Arranged By: Alphabetical
Application Number: 89-23
Item Number: 280.04


This record series consists of bills of freight companies (e.g. UPS, Federal Express) maintained along with University purchasing orders by the Office of Purchasing.


Retain in office for three (3) years, then dispose of provided all audits have been completed under the supervision of the Auditor General, if necessary, and no litigation is pending or anticipated.

Written Proposals for Computer Systems

Arranged By: Date order
Application Number: 89-23
Item Number: 280.05


This record series consists of written bid proposals for University computer systems received by the Purchasing Office from outside vendors in response to University requests.


Retain in office for five (5) years after bid has been awarded, then dispose of provided all audits have been completed under the supervision of the Auditor General, if necessary, and no litigation is pending or anticipated.

Purchase Order

Arranged By: Numerical
Application Number: 89-23
Item Number: 280.06


This record series contains the purchase orders for all university purchasing transactions. Attached to each purchase order are any related shipping tickets, memos, copies of contracts, etc. applicable to the order.


Retain in office for six (6) years, then dispose of provided all audits have been completed under the supervision of the Auditor General, if necessary, and no litigation is pending or anticipated.
Purchase Requisitions

Arranged By: Numerical
Application Number: 89-23
Item Number: 280.07


This record series consists of the purchase requisitions maintained by the Office of Purchasing. The records contain original university purchase requisitions and supporting documentation (e.g. written quotes, correspondence).


Retain in office for six (6) years, then dispose of provided all audits have been completed under the supervision of the Auditor General, if necessary, and no litigation is pending or anticipated.

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Ethics and Compliance Office
Health Services Building, 2nd floor