Process for Obtaining Your License

  1. Meet or correspond with your advisor and review requirements for the endorsement (transcripts, content test, degree).

  2. Have your advisor complete an entitlement worksheet (you will need to provide your name, date of birth and IEIN number) and confirm the endorsements you are seeking. Only include endorsements that your advisor confirms you are qualified to obtain.

  3. After you have signed the entitlement worksheet, your advisor will forward the completed form to the University Office of Educator Licensure and Preparation (UOELP).

  4. UOELP will enter the recommended entitlements with "pre-completed" status in your ELIS account (we encourage you to check the account and review the endorsements).

  5. If you have an employment offer, you may request a "priority clear"by sending a copy of your offer letter to your program advisor. Expedited processing of your entitlement is not guaranteed.

  6. Ensure your ELIS account details match your ILTS account details exactly. Any discrepancies will lead to Content Test Scores not being noted in your ELIS account.
  7. If you already have a degree, make sure it is recorded in your ELIS account (you may forward transcripts to the ISBE by sending official copies to

    Illinois State Board of Education Licensure Division,
    100 North First Street
    Springfield, IL 62777

    or electronically to NIU will not forward your prior degree information (transcripts from other institutions) to the ISBE. You must have any prior degrees noted in your ELIS account prior to completion of your program.

  8. Once all necessary documentation (including test scores and degree) has posted to both MyNIU and your ELIS account, UOELP will change the status of entitlement to "completed."

  9. You may log into your ELIS account to follow the registration prompts and make online payment (this will change license status to "issued"). Survey completion instructions are included in registration instructions.

Contact Us

Office of Educator Licensure and Preparation
Williston Hall 320