
Below are some examples of writing best practices.

Write in a Way that's Friendly and Conversational

It's your responsibility to do the following...

Come join us! All you need to do now is...

Use Active Voice

Courses in accounting may be found…

You can find our accounting courses…

Use Personal-sounding Pronouns

One may reach our campus from the east...

You can reach our campus from the east…

Remember the value proposition and narrative.

Voice and visuals work together to reflect a university experience with the professional and academic excellence needed to succeed as a student and in the world.

Avoid Formal, Stiff or Academic-sounding Language

Environmental education courses prepare formal and non-formal educators to use community and out-of-classroom resources to enhance school curricula and non-formal education programs in diverse settings.

Using the area waters and woods as our classroom, you'll learn how to plan courses that teach students and others how to be better stewards of the earth.

Make Sure Quotes are Compelling and Authentic

“It's a good starting point for a freshman in college. It's a good way to get to know students and professors.”

“The TLC class gave me more confidence in presenting my work to a roomful of people. Plus, I got to know people I wouldn't have met in my regular classes.”

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