Brand Voice Into Practice

Our brand voice reinforces our brand personality through the careful use of language. Below are the three brand personality words along with how-tos. See examples.


  • Personalize with student's name whenever possible.
  • When applicable, include a real person's quote or signature to convey personal, one-on-one communication.
  • Think of what the student wants or needs — what is the end benefit for them?


  • Look for opportunities to convey inclusiveness.
  • Use encouraging, aspirational ideas and phrases.
  • Write from a place of warmth and empathy.
  • Talk to the student, not at them.


  • Choose words that are encouraging and energetic.
  • When appropriate, use short bursts of encouraging phrases (e.g., let's do this, we're going places, no-limit learning).
  • Write content that is bold and action oriented.
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