Sport Management, B.S. Student Learning Outcomes

College Education
Major Sport Management
Degree B.S.
Date Revised 2017-2018

Student Learning Outcomes and Proposed Methods for Collecting Data (from Assessment Plan)

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Sport Management Content Knowledge: Apply management, leadership, and organizational concepts, principles, and theories in directing a sport organization.
  2. Applied and Theoretical Sport Management Principles: Understand the extent to which relevant managerial, marketing, public relations, and financial are applicable to the various facets of sport management theory and practice.
  3. Legal Aspects and Ethical Practices: Understand, apply, and analyze legal and ethical concepts related to sport.
  4. Psychosocial Aspects of Sport: Develop an understanding of and an appreciation for the psychosocial dimensions of sport and sport management practice.
  5. Current and Timely Issues in Sport: Identify and analyze the current issues and problems. facing sport.
  6. Critical Thinking in Sport: Develop critical thinking skills, particularly as they are relevant to successful sport management practice.
  7. Communication Skills in Sport: Advance oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills. as necessary for successful sport management practice.
  8. Applied and Practical Knowledge: Develop and acquire applied professional knowledge, skills, and competencies in practical sport organizational settings.

Methods of Assessment

  • Internship Site Supervisor  Evaluation (1,2,5,6,7,8)
  • Course‐Related Evidence (1‐8)
  • Program Advisory Board (1‐8)
  • Exit Interviews (1, 2, 3, 4, 8)
  • Alumni Survey (1‐8)   

Last Updated

AAE updated May 2019

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