Isabelle Percoco

Isabelle Percoco

Isabelle Percoco is a Global MBA graduate from Charlotte, NC

Hometown: Charlotte, NC

Year: Class of 2024

Transfer from: Georgia State University

Why did you choose to attend NIU?
To play volleyball for the school and have this amazing opportunity to obtain my master’s degree right out of undergrad.

What scholarships did you receive and why did you receive them? How has the financial support impacted your experience at NIU?
I have an athletic scholarship from NIU. I received it because my skills have a positive impact on my team's ability to win for the school. The financial support has tremendously impacted my experience at NIU. It has allowed me to focus on my studies and be as successful as I can without the burden of student debt once I graduate, and for that I am very grateful.

What did you want to be when you were growing up? Are you pursuing that as a major, or have you taken another path?
I never had a specific occupation in mind when I was growing up, but knew I wanted to help people in need, whether through relief efforts or creating more jobs for those who need it most. I think I have taken another path in terms of my major, but my will to help people remains. I believe that no matter what I do, I can find a way to impact those around me. I have my management degree and will soon have my MBA, and I think creating an environment that is enjoyable for those around me is still helping people.

What is your major (and/or minor) and why did you decide on this course of study?
I am currently pursuing my Global MBA. I decided on this because it complements my undergraduate degree in management and provides a wide range of opportunities for me once I graduate.

What has been something you have found pleasantly surprising about your experience at NIU?
I was most surprised about the opportunity to study abroad. I was fortunate enough to go to Rome this spring semester, and it was amazing. I am so glad NIU was able to provide me with an unforgettable experience and new friends!

How have you connected with other students to study for classes, meet new people or form new friendships?
I have connected to people mostly through my classes. Since our schedules are pretty much the same, we see each other multiple times a week. Having people to support me through the year and know exactly what I am going through academically has made it so much better.

Are you involved in any student organizations, mentoring programs or extra-curricular activities? If so, which ones? How have they added to your experience as a Huskie?
I was part of the volleyball team in the fall. I think this added to my experience by leaving me debt-free as I graduate and provided me valuable experiences I wouldn’t have had if I weren't part of the team.

What NIU offices, departments or resources have helped you feel safe, supported and successful? And how?
The staff in the MBA program have helped me succeed and feel supported. Especially some of my professors, who created a learning space where I felt safe expressing my opinions and asking questions to understand the material better.

Are there transfer-specific resources, offices or services that you use to help you succeed at NIU?
I take advantage of the student center quite a lot. The student center offers me a space where I can do my work, as well as get something to eat or drink to keep myself fueled and focused.

Who has been one of your favorite instructors/professors and why? What course did they teach?
Dr. Eric Michel has been my favorite instructor. He provided a fun and safe learning environment and was always supportive and willing to help, no matter what.

How have you benefited by attending class regularly?
Attending class regularly has allowed me to get familiar with the NIU campus and connect with people outside of class I may not have encountered otherwise.

Where is your favorite spot on campus or in the community? Why are you drawn to it?
My favorite spot on campus is the Holmes Student Center. The student center provides me with food and a safe space to do homework, as well as opportunities to meet new people.  

What advice would you give to a student who is researching colleges to apply to?
Choose a place where you can envision yourself succeeding. Match the resources available to you with your needs. For example, if you don't have a car, try to find a campus that is walkable. I would also choose a place that has lots of activities for students and other fun things to do off campus as a way to connect and meet people. Meeting people and making friends can tremendously impact your experience and perception of a school for the entirety of your education.

Why is a college education important to you?
A college education gives me a lot more opportunities in the job market compared to someone who does not have a degree. Like many others, I believe knowledge is power, and the more we know, the more we can impact our communities and country for the better. Being informed helps us create a better country and foster environments that are safe and equal for everyone.

What strategies do you use to manage your time between the responsibilities of school, work, friends and family?
I don't have a specific strategy, but I try and get my responsibilities out of the way when I have time and energy. I don't put a lot of pressure on myself to be perfect; I know I'm not and that's okay. Prioritizing may be one of the only strategies I use — what needs to get done first is what I do first, and so on. Succeeding in school and having a social life, while also making time for myself, is what I follow the most. I try not to compare my life and schedule with others; nobody works the same as I do.

How do you stay informed about events and services that are available on campus?
I check my email regularly and look at the signs and bulletins around the student center.

What do you do to relax or recharge?
I spend time by myself in my room to recharge and relax. Watching TV or talking to some friends helps me reset.

Please tell us about your job and hobbies.
Since I play volleyball, a lot of my time is consumed by working out and practicing. I consider this one of my hobbies and my job. Aside from that, I work retail at the mall during winter and summer breaks. This just provides me with some spending money during break, as well as work experience for when I enter the job market. I also love to read. I mainly like fictional stories and will read anything, no matter the subject. Additionally, I like hanging out with my friends and family, and of course shopping! 

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