Policies and Regulations for Off-Campus Teaching

Primary Audience Faculty
Status Active
Last Review Date 10-10-2017
Policy Category/Categories Faculty & Academics

A. Responsibility of Faculty for Off-Campus Teaching

Off-campus teaching assignments, whether considered off-load or on-load, are determined at the departmental level and require the same administrative approval as on-campus teaching assignments. Off-campus teaching may be assigned as a portion of the regular teaching load of a faculty member. Off-campus, off-load assignments may be accepted by faculty members for an extra stipend.

B. Off-Campus Class Schedule

Schedules for off-campus classes are developed at the departmental level through mutual agreements among the department, involved faculty, relevant college deans and external programming offices. Scheduling space at NIU Regional Centers offcampus locations, arranging for faculty transportation, and similar activities which facilitate instruction are responsibilities of the Division of Outreach, Engagement and Regional Development (OERD). In a college where an Office of External Programs supports off-campus credit courses, the OERD receives its direction regarding specific details of, or needs for, off-campus delivery from that office so as to avoid duplication of services.

While on-campus classes normally meet for the equivalent of 50 minutes per week for 16 weeks for a one semester hour course, off-campus classes may, or may not, conform to the standard schedule of on-campus courses. Other schedules may be appropriate to meet the needs of the students or particular pedagogical goals. Any such alternative formats must conform to university policies for such courses.

The judgment regarding whether inclement weather warrants the cancellation of all off-campus classes will be made by the president or his/her designee and communicated promptly to the OERD. Information regarding off-campus closures is posted on the main NIU webpage. Faculty either communicate closure information by posting on their course Blackboard sites or notifying students via their NIU email address. If subsequent classes are canceled. In the event that the University cancels classes, the missed class time need not be made up so long as the content of the class is covered.

If an instructor cancels an individual class due to illness or other personal reasons, it is the instructor's responsibility to arrange for a make-up class or other compensatory course activities. It is also the responsibility of the instructor to communicate to OERD staff that their class has been cancelled. Lastly, the instructor needs to inform the department chair the class has been cancelled so the chair is aware and can document the make-up plan.

Each faculty member could be permitted to teach off-campus classes on an overload, additional-compensation basis with the approval of the department chair and college dean. There are no limitations on the number of off-campus classes a faculty member may teach as a part of the regular load. Permission to teach more than one off-campus class per academic year for additional compensation must have the prior approval of the department chair, college dean, and Provost. Such requests will be evaluated in the context of programmatic needs and the relationship between the proposed overload and the regular instructional load of faculty in the college.

Approved by Vice President of Outreach, Engagement and Regional Development, October 10, 2017


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