Employment Procedures

Policy Approval Authority President
Responsible Division Human Resources Services
Responsible Officer(s) Chief Human Resources Officer
Contact Person John Acardo
Primary Audience Faculty
Status Active
Last Review Date 10-01-2016
Policy Category/Categories Human Resources / Employment

Any appointment to the university must be processed through Human Resources prior to the employee start date. This statement is true regardless of the source of funds from which the employee is to be paid.

I. Establishment/Refill of Status (Civil Service) Appointments

Supervisors and department heads shall submit a Position Request Form to establish a new or refill of a civil service position to their appropriate Vice President via their Dean or Director. The request should include a job description of the position (refer to Procedure on Job Descriptions), the position percent time, the account number from which the position is to be funded, and the justification for the establishment or refill of the position. If approval is granted, the Vice President will forward the request to the Budget Committee indicating his/her decision. After review by the Budget Committee the position will be either approved or denied by the President and forwarded to Human Resource Services for processing. 

The job description will be reviewed by the Human Resource Coordinator in Employment Services to determine proper classification. Recruitment activities will not be initiated until all approvals are obtained and the position has been classified.  When the above steps have been completed, the Human Resource Coordinator will contact the department to begin recruitment.

A. Employment Registers

The following types of registers are maintained by the Employment Services area for University Civil Service Employment:

  • Re-employment Register—Re-employment registers consist of the names of status employees who have been laid off on the basis of seniority.
  • Promotional Register—Promotional registers consist of the names of employees who have passed promotional examinations within their respective promotional lines and are anticipating employment in the higher classification.
  • Original Entry Register—Original entry registers consist of names of persons who have met the minimum qualifications for a particular classification and have passed the appropriate examination. Names of current employees may appear on original entry registers when employees have met the minimum qualifications and have passed the examination for positions outside the promotional line of their current employment classification.

B. Filling a New or Vacant Position

Supervisors who may be seeking a replacement because of vacancy are required to contact the respective Human Resource Coordinator. Upon receipt of the approved Position Request Form and classification of the position, the respective Human Resource Coordinator will contact the department to begin the hiring process. For both new positions and replacement hiring, the names of those eligible to be interviewed will be referred to the employing department. Upon completion of the interview process, the supervisor must complete the Affirmative Action Hiring Record and forward the form to the Affirmative Action and Equity Compliance Office. When the approved form is received by the Employment Services area, the respective Human Resource Coordinator will make the employment offer. Under no condition is the department to make an employment offer.

C. Orientation of New Employees

Employment Services provides each new Civil Service Employee with information needed to assist in adjusting to the job and increase participation in the objective standards and responsibilities of the university. Orientation for new employees is held each Monday morning Human Resource Services. Employees who begin employment are to report to orientation on the first Monday following their beginning date of employment. Basic employment information pertaining to hours, vacation, promotion, probationary period, campus parking regulations, retirement and other fringe benefits is discussed. Orientation is not optional—but is mandatory, for it is at this session that the employee completes the information required to be placed on the payroll.


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