
Leave your building immediately when an alarm sounds or if you are instructed to do so by authorized emergency personnel.

Evacuation Procedures

  • Remain calm.
  • Evacuate in a safe and orderly manner.
  • If safe to do so, gather personal belongings (medication, keys, purses, etc.).
  • Do not use elevators unless authorized emergency personnel tell you to do so.
  • Provide assistance for those with disabilities by helping them evacuate or by guiding them to an area of rescue assistance, if safe to do so. Refer to the Evacuation Procedures for Persons with Disabilities section.
  • Go to the identified assembly area which should be at least 500 feet away from the building unless directed to another location by the NIU police or properly identified emergency personnel.
  • Remain with your class/office so a full accounting can be made.
  • Notify NIU police or emergency personnel of any missing or trapped persons.
  • Follow all directions from the NIU Police or other authorities present.

Evacuating Persons with Disabilities

If you are required to leave the building immediately but are unable to (because of a physical disability, injury or obstruction):

  • Remain calm.
  • Go the nearest area where there are no hazards.
  • Call 911.
  • Signal out the window to emergency responders if possible.

Instructors and supervisors should be proactive and be aware of people who will need assistance.

Assisting Blind/Visually Impaired

  • Clearly announce the type of emergency.
  • Offer your arm for guidance.
  • Tell the person where you are going, and alert them to obstacles along the way.

Assisting Individuals Who Are Deaf/Hard of Hearing

  • Turn lights on and off to gain the person’s attention.
  • Indicate directions with gestures or a written note.

Assisting Mobility-impaired/Wheelchair Users

  • Elevators should not be used to move people with disabilities.
  • Seek volunteers to assist students/personnel with physical disabilities to the nearest enclosed stairway or designated areas for rescue assistance.
  • One individual should remain with the person(s) if it can be done without unreasonable personal risk.
  • Others should advise emergency personnel of the location so that the evacuation can be completed.
  • If an imminent danger situation exists and the person requests assistance in evacuation before emergency personnel can arrive, assist in finding volunteers to evacuate the person per their instructions.

Contact Us

In case of emergency: Call 911

Non-emergency Phone Number: 815-753-1212


Emergency Contact List

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