Emergency Situations

Severe Weather

Seek shelter

  • Close all doors if there is time, including those in main corridors.
  • Move to lowest part of the building.
  • Stay away from windows and glass.
  • Crouch near floor or heavy, well-supported objects and cover back of your head.
  • If outdoors and there is no time to move to an interior space, lie flat in the nearest depression and cover your head.
  • Remain sheltered until all clear is given by NIU PD or supervisor.



  • Leave area and go to an exterior location where you can call 911 from a land line.
  • Do not operate any electrical devices, cellular phones, light switches or any radio frequency producing devices.
  • Do not try to locate the source of the explosion.
  • Evacuate and move to designated assembly points.
  • Reenter only when directed by recognized authority.

Hazardous Materials


  • Alert people in the immediate area to evacuate.
  • Evacuate and assemble in an area uphill and upwind from the affected area.
  • Avoid direct contact and/or breathing in of vapors.
  • Unless properly trained, do not attempt to clean up or identify the spill.
  • Do not operate any electrical devices, phones, appliances, light switches or equipment with open flames within the affected area.

Power Outage


  • Remain calm and move cautiously to a lighted area.
  • If the fire alarm sounds or upon notification by emergency personnel, evacuate and move to the designated assembly point.
  • Never attempt to pry open elevator doors.
  • In laboratories, secure all experiments and electrical equipment, fully close fume hoods and shut off any gases.
  • Reenter only when directed by recognized authority.



  • If unable to extinguish flame with fire extinguisher, activate nearest file alarm or call 911.
  • Assist person with disabilities if able to do so or help them move to area of rescue assistance.
  • Evacuate and move to the designated assembly point.
  • For individual accountability, report to designated officials at assembly point.
  • Reenter only when directed by recognized authority.
  • Report all fires, regardless of size, to NIU PD and Environmental Health and Safety.

Shooting Incident

Run, Hide, Fight

  • Run - Get to a safe location then call 911.

If you can't run, then:

  • Hide - Find a safe place, lock or barricade door, turn off lights, close blinds, get down and take cover. Call 911 if it can be done without revealing your location. Put cell phone on silent.

If you can't hide, then:

  • Fight - Utilize everything you can as a weapon and fight with everything you have.

Medical Emergency

Stay Clear

  • If trained, administer CPR/First Aid/Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and call 911.
  • If not trained, stay clear of the area where the emergency has occurred and call 911.
  • Direct first responders to the location of the medical emergency.
  • Reenter only when directed by recognized authority.

Suspicious Packages

Stay Clear

  • Always report unusual or suspicious mail or packages to NIU PD.
  • Do not touch the item.
  • Do not operate any electrical devices, cellular phones, light switches or any radio frequency producing devices.
  • Evacuate and move to designated assembly point.
  • Reenter only when directed by recognized authority.

Contact Us

In case of emergency: Call 911

Non-emergency Phone Number: 815-753-1212


Emergency Contact List

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