Spotlight Photo Tips

Five Things to Make Your Submitted Huskie Spotlight Portraits Shine

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    Background and Distance

    Make yourself the center of attention! Put yourself at a place in the picture frame where you are “framed” among elements that are visible in the background. Simpler is definitely better when it comes to the background. Consider distancing yourself from those background elements so they are not as in focus as you are.

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    Light and Direction

    Look for the good light! Consider arranging yourself so the available light brightens you from the side (Light directly in your face will make you squint, and light from behind you will place your face in shadow) Also, unless it is a very clear day, avoid including the sky in the background of your image. Consider making your picture either in morning or in evening when the sun’s light strikes from a lower angle.

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    Let us see you! Please provide pictures in a horizontal (landscape) format. Move the camera in a position to feature you from the waist up. Leave a little space in the picture frame above your head. This will allow ample space on the edges of the picture to reveal a bit of those background items as well. Consider where you are within that camera frame….In the center? Off to one side? Both can be great options.

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    Resolution and Format

    Submit the best quality pictures! If your phone or camera has portrait mode, give that a try to help make you the focus of the photo. In addition, please ensure your camera is on the highest quality or resolution setting available. The JPG format, standard on most cameras and phones, is just fine.

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    Subject Matter and Poses

    Have fun! Will you cross your arms to exude confidence? Maybe place your hands on your hips to strike a superhero pose? Consider holding or including props right up near you that are also in focus to tell a little bit about you. The most important key here is that you are comfortable.

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