Procurement Function

[Procedure] Last Updated: December 2015
Prior Manual Number: 9-1

The formal procurement function begins after Office of Procurement Services receives a Purchase Requisition form approved by an authorized university cost center manager.  The Purchase Requisition is sent directly to the Accounts Payable Services Office first, so that they can verify the account coding and the approval signature.  When that process is complete Accounts Payable Services forwards the requisition to the Director of Financial Analysis and State Budget Reporting for approval.  Once approved they forward it on to Procurement Services.

Depending on the complexity of the purchase, the Buyer may contact the requisitioning department to gather additional information.  If a contract is required, the vendor’s contract will be sent to Office of the General Counsel (OGC) for contract review and approval.  If the University has a contract template, it is sent to the vendor for review by OGC.  If a bid, request for proposal or sole source is required, the Buyer will notify the department and request the requirements necessary to ensure conforming products or services are bid or requested for proposal.

Formal bids or RFPs are advertised on the electronic Illinois Public Higher Education Procurement Bulletin where potential vendors can consider them and request additional information before responding by the posted deadline.  After bids or proposals are received, they are reviewed, evaluated and the decision to purchase is made.  The necessary reference documents are reviewed and then prepared for transmittal to the vendor, with copies distributed to the requesting department, as well as other areas of the university who will receive, record the asset (if required) and deliver the item as specified on campus.  See the Asset Recording and Property control sections on the materials management webpage.

The Procurement function ends only after the requesting department has approved the items or services delivered to them and agrees with corresponding documentation and pricing and the supplying vendor has been paid.

Procurement staff welcomes questions regarding procurement procedures and processes and encourages departments to contact our office concerning any large or unusual procurements as soon as the need is identified.

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