Other Projects

Sometimes we have interests that lie outside the major scope of our work and we choose to pursue these opportunities.  Below is a list of a sample of publications not neatly categorized into our sublabs, but certainly worth mentioning!

Sample Publications

Scheuer, M., Burton, J., Barber, L., Finkelstein, L., & Parker, C.  (2016).  Linking abusive supervision to engagement and burnout: An application of the Differentiated Job Demands-Resource Model. Organizational Management Journal, 13, 138-147. 

Farrell, S. K., & Finkelstein, L. F.  (2010).  The impact of motive attributions on coworker justice perceptions of rewarded organizational citizenship behavior.  Journal of Business and Psychology, 26, 57-69. 

Briscoe, J. & Finkelstein, L. (2009). The “new career” and organizational commitment:  Do boundaryless and protean attitudes make a difference?  Career Development International, 14, 242-260.

Contact Us

Lisa Finkelstein, Ph.D.
Psychology-Computer Science Building
Office: room 571
Lab: room 30

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