Interim Sanctions

In certain circumstances, the associate vice president for Student Affairs and Dean of Students or designee may impose an interim sanction prior to the start of the student conduct process. The interim sanction issued will be no more restrictive than necessary to minimize the impact on a student's academic success while still maintaining the safety of the University community.

  • Interim sanctions may be imposed only:
    • To ensure the safety and well-being of members of the Northern Illinois University community or the preservation of Northern Illinois University property;
    • To ensure the student's own physical or emotional safety and well-being;
    • If the student poses an ongoing threat of disruption of or interference with the normal operations of Northern Illinois University;
    • Interim measure as provided for under the NIU Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Policy.
  • Under the interim sanction, a student or recognized student organization may be denied access to the residence halls and/or to the campus (including classes) and/or all other Northern Illinois University activities or privileges for which the student or recognized student organization might otherwise be eligible. The student or recognized student organization may be banned from contact with another person or group of people.
  • The interim sanction does not replace the regular process, which shall proceed on the normal schedule. A meeting shall be scheduled within five (5) business days of the interim sanction being issued for the student. The preliminary conference may be continued by the Student Conduct Administrator, if necessary to gather more information or to follow up on information presented by the accused student.

  • Students or recognized student organizations receiving an interim sanction will also receive simultaneously a copy of the Student Code of Conduct. As soon as possible after receiving notice of interim sanction, the student or recognized student organization shall receive a notice of alleged violation, notice of any incident report(s), and notice of any other pertinent case information.

  • Students or recognized student organizations receiving an interim sanction may request an administrative review of the interim sanction by submitting their request in writing to the Office of the Associate Vice-President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, or designee.
    • Requests for administrative review of interim sanctions must be submitted within two (2) business days of receipt of the interim sanction, in writing.
    • The student or recognized student organization will be given the opportunity to present and justify his/her grounds for appeal. The associate vice president for Student Affairs and dean of students or designee may then ask questions regarding the situation.
    • The associate vice president for Student Affairs and dean of students or designee will issue a decision in writing, normally within five (5) business days of completion of the administrative review. The decision will be to sustain, lessen, increase, or remove the interim sanction(s), and it will be based on the material from the review and other germane information (e.g., the student's or recognized student organization's conduct file). There is no appeal of this decision. This time frame may be reasonably extended by the associate vice president for Student Affairs and dean of students or designee when appropriate.
    • Any interim sanction that is either upheld or modified by the associate vice president for Student Affairs and dean of students or designee will remain in effect until the final resolution of the student conduct process and/or NIU Title IX/Sexual Misconduct process.
    • Once issued, interim sanctions issued by Student Conduct may only be modified or removed by the associate vice president for Student Affairs and dean of students or designee.
    • Student Conduct has the authority to remove any interim sanction upon final resolution of a case in which any interim sanction(s) was issued.

General Information About Interim Sanctions

The interim sanction does not replace the regular process, which shall proceed on the normal schedule.

Students or Recognized Student Organizations receiving a notice of an interim sanction will also receive simultaneously a copy of the Student Code of Conduct. As soon as possible after receiving notice of interim sanction, the Student or Recognized Student Organization shall receive a copy of the Notice of Alleged Student Code of Conduct Violation(s), a copy of any incident report(s), and a copy of any other pertinent case information.

Once issued by Student Conduct, the Department of Housing and Residential Services, or Student Affairs, interim sanctions may only be modified or removed by the associate vice president for Student Affairs and dean of students, or designee.

Student Conduct shall have the authority to remove any issued interim sanction upon the final resolution of a case in which any interim sanction(s) was issued.

Contact Us

Student Conduct
Campus Life Building 280
815-753-9289 (Fax)

Office Hours

8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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