Creating a Stacked Plot

Run all your experiments in the same folder using consecutive numbers. Once all the experiments are done, type stack1d into the command line. Topspin will compile the xau program stack1d.

Enter the following information when prompted:

  • send output to plotter or start Topsin plot editor? → e
  • plot expnos or procnos? → e
  • first expnos/procnos to plot? → enter expno of your first spectrum.
  • enter # of expnos/procnos to plot → enter total number of spectra you want to stack.
  • enter expnos/procnos incr/decr → enter 1 or −1, depending on the direction of the plot.

Entering all the information will start up Topspin plot editor in a new window. Change the spectrum there according to your liking.

  • Fileprint to plot the spectrum.
  • Fileexport to save the spectrum as pdf, jpeg or tiff file.