Northern Illinois University Bylaws

Article 1: Membership of the University Council

Article 2: Standing Committees of the University Council

Article 3: Operating Procedures of the University Council

Article 4: Election Procedures of the University Council

Article 5: Establishment of Grievance Process for Non-Union Faculty and Staff

Article 6: Establishment of Grievance Process for Students

Article 7: Placement of Critical Materials in Faculty Personnel Files

Article 8: Other Standing Committees of the University

Article 9: Administrative Committees

Article 10: Administrative and Faculty Appointments

Article 11: The University Ombudsperson

Article 12: Supportive Professional Staff Personnel Advisor and Operating Staff Personnel Advisor

Article 13: Amendments of Bylaws

Article 1:
Membership of The University Council

1.1 Composition

1.1.1 The University Council shall consist of voting representatives of the university faculty, students, staff, and administration as follows: 

Eight tenure-track faculty members, one from each degree-granting college and University Libraries. Such tenure-track faculty from each degree-granting college and University Libraries, eligible to either be elected or to elect, shall include those who hold the rank of professor, associate professor, or assistant professor, and shall exclude the president, the president's staff, the executive vice president and provost, the executive vice president and provost's staff, the deans, and the deans’ staffs.

Two instructors as defined in the instructors’ collective bargaining agreement.

One clinical faculty member selected by the Council of Deans.

Four student members selected by the Student Government Association and one graduate student member selected by the Graduate Council.

Four supportive professional staff members selected by the Supportive Professional Staff Council.

Five operating staff members selected by the Operating Staff Council.

Four administrators including: the president of the university, the executive vice president and provost, the chief financial officer; and one dean selected by and from the deans.

1.1.2. The Faculty Senate president shall serve as the nonvoting chair.

1.1.3. The University Council shall have at least one elected member who is a member of a minority racial group.

1.1.4 Subject to the call of the University Council, other persons, serving as consultants, shall have the right to participate in the deliberations of the University Council, but shall not have the right to vote. 

1.2 Terms of Office

1.2.1 Persons elected to the position of University Council voting member shall serve terms of three years, except for persons elected as student representatives and operating staff representatives who shall serve terms of one year. The university president, the executive vice president and provost, and the chief financial officer shall serve for the duration of their term of office. The dean representative and the Faculty Senate president/University Council chair shall serve terms of one year.

1.2.2 Terms of office for all members shall begin on July 1. Persons elected or appointed to fill mid-term vacancies on the University Council shall be eligible to begin service on the University Council three days after the chair of the University Council has been officially notified in writing of their election or appointment. 

1.3 Removal from University Council Membership

1.3.1 An elected member of the University Council shall be subject to removal by a two-thirds vote of the total University Council voting membership after three successive absences from regularly scheduled meetings of the University Council. 

1.3.2 Vacancies created by removal shall be filled for the balance of the term remaining by the procedures established in the bylaws for filling vacancies in that office.

Amendment approved by University Council 01/26/2000.
Amended approved by University Council 09/07/2011.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/29/2020.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 09/08/2021.

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Article 2:
Standing Committees of The University Council 

2.1 Faculty Senate-University Council Rules, Governance and Elections Committee

2.1.1 Composition The FS-UC Rules, Governance and Elections Committee shall consist of the following members: 

(A) Eight faculty members, four of whom shall be members of the University Council, and shall be appointed by the chair of the University Council (with the advice and consent of the University Council). The remaining four shall be members of the Faculty Senate and shall be appointed by the president of the Faculty Senate (with the advice and consent of the Faculty Senate). No two faculty members shall be from the same department. Faculty members shall serve one-year terms and shall be eligible for reappointment.

(B) One student appointed by the Student Government Association. The student shall be a member of either the University Council or Faculty Senate. The student member shall serve a one-year term and shall be eligible for reappointment.

(C) One Supportive Professional Staff member and one Operating Staff member who shall be members of either the University Council or Faculty Senate. They shall serve one-year terms and shall be eligible for reappointment.

(D) One instructor from either the Faculty Senate or University Council. The instructor will serve a one-year term and shall be eligible for reappointment.

(E) One nonvoting member selected by and from the deans of the degree-granting colleges, who shall serve a one-year term and shall be eligible for reappointment. 

The committee chair shall be appointed by the University Council chair with the advice and consent of the University Council. 

2.1.2 Duties 

(A) Advise the University Council or Faculty Senate on any question referred to it by the University Council or Faculty Senate involving the interpretation of the NIU Constitution, NIU Bylaws and/or Faculty Senate Bylaws, and including questions relating to the definition or application of academic freedom standards.

(B) Administer and supervise elections to the University Council and Faculty Senate. Faculty Senate representatives on the committee will administer the Faculty Senate elections; University Council representatives on the committee will administer the University Council elections.

(C) Make final rulings on the eligibility of candidates from colleges and the University Libraries and all other election matters not specifically covered by these procedures.

(D) When a university committee or council requires staggered terms for its elected faculty members, determine in advance of the election which seats in each college shall be filled for one-, two-, or three-year terms. Such a determination must be made before the initial election of faculty to such a committee or council, and before the first election after each successive reapportionment of seats on the committee or council. Staggered terms shall be assigned so that, as nearly as possible, there will be an equal number of members of the council or committee elected each year and an equal number of members elected from each faculty constituency each year.

(E) Administer and supervise all referenda that require the vote of the entire faculty of the university.

(F) Monitor legislation that affects higher education and report the status of such legislation to the University Council so that appropriate actions may be taken. 

(G) Serve as a liaison body between Faculty Senate and University Council.

2.2 University Council Personnel Committee

2.2.1 Composition The University Council Personnel Committee shall consist of the following members:

(A) Two tenure-track faculty members selected by and from the tenure-track faculty members serving on University Council.

(B) One student member selected by and from the student members serving on University Council.

(C) Two operating staff members selected by and from the operating staff members serving on University Council.

(D) Two supportive professional staff members selected by and from the supportive professional staff members serving on University Council.

(E) One instructor member selected by and from the instructor members serving on University Council.

(F) One clinical faculty member serving on University Council.  

(G) The vice provost for faculty affairs who shall serve ex officio, and who shall not vote.

(H) The chief human resources officer (or designee), who shall serve ex officio, as chair, and who shall not vote.

2.2.2 Duties To act as an advisory body to the university on personnel issues. Review the personnel policies and procedures of units and all proposed changes in such policies tht require University Council approval. Provide recommendations on policy changes to University Council. Ensure that the personnel policies and procedures of the university's divisions and units related to position classification other than tenured/tenure-track faculty are up to date, adequate to the demands and expectations placed upon them, and properly enforced and implemented. To accomplish this purpose, the committee may undertake analyses of aggregate personnel decisions by units for the purpose of determining compliance by such units with university policies. In doing this, the committee shall not, however, undertake investigations or reviews of individual personnel decisions, except as such decisions must be reviewed in the context of a broader aggregate analysis of unit personnel actions. Perform such other functions as may be assigned to it. 

2.3 Financial Exigency Advisory Committee

If the president believes a financial exigency is imminent, the president, in consultation with the University Council, shall form a Financial Exigency Advisory Committee, some of whose members shall be voting members of the University Council. All procedures, criteria, and guidelines developed by the committee to carry out the provisions of this bylaw and of the board regulations shall be reviewed by the University Council before any exigency-related decisions are undertaken.

2.4 Other Standing Committees
Other standing committees may be established by the University Council.

2.5 Committee/Board Structure

The University Council shall reexamine periodically the internal committee and board structure of the university.

Proposed amendment approved by University Council 09/07/2011.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/02/2014.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/29/2015.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/29/2015.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/29/2015.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 10-07-2015.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 05/02/2018.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 01-29-2020.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/29/2020.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 12/02/2020.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 11/02/2022.

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Article 3:
Operating Procedures of the University Council

3.1 Order of Business and Parliamentary Authority

3.1.1 Except as otherwise provided by the University Council, its meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order Revised. 

3.1.2 A parliamentarian, who shall be appointed by the president, shall perform the usual duties pertaining to this position. 

3.1.3 A majority of the members of the University Council eligible to vote shall constitute a quorum. 

3.2 Minutes of the University Council

3.2.1 The chair of the University Council shall prepare a draft copy of the minutes, which shall be forwarded to council members prior to the next regular meeting of the University Council. As provided in the order of business, University Council minutes must be approved by the University Council. Approved minutes of the University Council shall be distributed to University Council members and to faculty and supportive professional staff in a timely manner. 

3.2.2 Prior to approval of the minutes of the University Council, official statements on the business of the University Council shall be released only by the presiding officer or the chair of the University Council. 

3.2.3 A copy of the minutes shall be regularly deposited in the university archives. The University Council website is the official medium for the publication of the minutes of the University Council. 

3.3 Voting Procedure of the University Council

3.3.1 Action shall be taken by majority vote of the members voting. When the motion is called, members may vote in favor of the motion, against the motion, abstain from voting, or indicate that they are present but not voting. Those present and not voting shall not be counted in computing whether the appropriate majority has been obtained for passage of a motion. The question of whether a roll call vote shall be taken may be incorporated in the motion or a motion to amend may be offered to request a roll call vote. 

3.3.2 Proposals affecting policy must be presented in writing and may be discussed at the meeting at which first presented, but shall be held until at least the next regular meeting for action. By approval of three-fourths of the members voting, however, this waiting period may be waived for a particular proposal, and final action may be taken on the proposal in question at the meeting at which it is first presented. 

3.3.3 Substantive amendments to policy proposals shall ordinarily be presented in writing and distributed to members prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered, either by a member or through the chair of the University Council. By approval of three-fourths of the members voting, however, action on substantive amendments to policy proposals may be taken at the meeting at which it is first presented. 

3.3.4 No votes shall be cast at University Council meetings by proxy or absentee ballot.

3.4 Consent Agenda

3.4.1 The chair of the University Council shall place on the consent agenda those items of business requiring University Council action which, in its judgment, are not likely to require University Council discussion and which are expected to receive unanimous approval from University Council members. 

3.4.2 When the consent agenda is called at any meeting of the University Council, members of the University Council shall first have an opportunity to object to the placement of any item on the consent agenda. Any item receiving such an objection from any five voting members of the University Council shall be removed from the consent agenda and placed in the appropriate later category of the meeting's agenda. Removal of items from the consent agenda shall not be debatable. 

3.4.3 After items to which objections have been raised are removed from the consent agenda, the University Council chair shall call for a single vote to approve all of the matters of business remaining on that agenda. 

3.5 Procedure for Implementing and Appealing University Council Actions
Any action approved by the University Council shall go into effect immediately or at a date specified. In the event that the approval of the Board of Trustees is required or deemed necessary, the action of the University Council shall not be effective until appropriate action is taken by the Board of Trustsees. Action of the University Council on matters affecting policy may be appealed by written petition of five percent or 500 members, whichever is smaller, of any constituency (faculty, student, supportive professional staff, operating staff) represented by a voting member of the University Council. Such petition shall be made to the chair within 10 days of the official publication of the action. The chair shall, if necessary, call a special meeting of the University Council or place the appeal on the agenda of the next regular meeting to require the University Council to reconsider the vote on the action taken.

3.6 Office of the Chair of the University Council

3.6.1 The chair of the University Council/president of Faculty Senate shall serve full-time in that position for a one-year term beginning July 1. The chair shall be provided by the president with an office, secretarial assistance, and the supporting resources pertaining thereto. The outgoing chair shall prepare an annual office budget as part of the normal university budget process. The budget shall provide salaries for the chair, secretarial assistance, as well as supporting resources pertaining to the office. The budget shall also include funding for the Office of the Ombudsperson, the faculty personnel advisor, and the faculty representative to the Faculty Advisory Council to the Illinois Board of Higher Education. 

3.6.2 The chair shall be paid from the budget of the academic department in which the individual holds rank and tenure for a regular nine-month full-time appointment. That department shall be compensated by a transfer of funds from the budget of the University Council to support instructional costs incurred by the department as a consequence of the chair’s assignment to University Council duties. The actual allocation to the department shall be determined on the basis of discussions involving the department chair, the dean of the college, the executive vice president and provost, and the Office of the President. The budget of the University Council shall also fund an additional three months' salary for the chair. 

3.7 Operating Outside the Academic Year
In order for the University Council to advise the president and the executive vice president and provost on critical, time-sensitive budget and other issues affecting the university, the University Council is authorized to operate outside the academic year calendar without a quorum, providing there are at least five voting members, the majority of which must be faculty. If needed, alternates for the University Council, when operating outside of the academic year calendar, will be selected by the chair of the University Council.

Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/09/2008.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/30/2008.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 02/22/2012.

Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/29/2015.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 05/03/2017.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/29/2020.

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Article 4:
Election Procedures of The University Council

4.1 Election Administration
Elections to the University Council shall be administered and supervised by the Faculty Senate-University Council Rules, Governance and Elections Committee (RGE).

4.2 College and University Libraries Tenure-Track Faculty Representation

4.2.1 Elections of representatives to the University Council from college and University Libraries faculties shall be initiated by the RGE in November of each year for terms beginning the following fall semester. At the same time, the RGE shall inform faculty, through appropriate campus-wide email, that the University Council election process is about to begin. Such notice shall include the names of those representatives whose terms are expiring.

4.2.2 The RGE shall inform each college and the University Libraries of the number of positions to be filled by the faculty of that unit and ask the unit to forward to it a list of nominees drawn from the unit's faculty members qualified for election to, and willing to serve on, the University Council. Each college and the University Libraries shall determine in a faculty referendum its own procedures for developing its list of nominees to be submitted to the RGE. These procedures shall be transmitted to the chair of the University Council and shall remain in force until amended in a subsequent referendum. 

4.2.3 The chair of the University Council will contact each nominee to confirm the faculty member's willingness to serve. The RGE shall then cause to be circulated to the qualified voters among the faculty of each college and the University Libraries an election ballot containing the names of the nominees for election from that unit. The nominees receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. Ties occurring at any stage of the balloting shall be broken by lot.

4.2.4 All elections shall be conducted by secret ballot. 

4.2.5 Each college and the University Libraries may choose to conduct its balloting electronically or by paper ballot. For electronic voting, an RGE designee shall have access to the electronic program used for tabulating the results of the election in order to share results with the RGE. For paper balloting, all paper ballots shall be returned to the Office of the University Council by each individual voter. Paper ballots will be canvassed by the RGE. Upon completion of electronic voting, digital records for ballots cast and final ballot counts shall be forwarded to the Office of the University Council. The electronic and paper ballots will be kept by the Office of the University Council in accordance with state and university record retention policies.

4.3 Instructor Representation
Two instructors as defined in the Instructors Collective Bargaining Agreement, shall be elected.

4.4 Clinical Faculty Representation
One clinical faculty member shall be elected by the Council of Deans.

4.5 Student Representation

4.5.1 Four student members shall be elected by the Student Government Association (SGA). 

4.5.2 One graduate student member shall be elected by the Graduate Council.

4.5.3 Students whose status is “good standing” and who are carrying a minimum of nine semester hours or, in the case of graduate students and the president of the SGA, six semester hours each semester, shall be eligible for membership. To continue as a member, a student must maintain good academic standing and enrollment in at least the number of semester hours indicated above. 

4.6 Supportive Professional Staff Representation
Four Supportive Professional Staff members shall be elected by the Supportive Professional Staff Council.

4.7 Operating Staff Representation
Five Operating Staff members shall be elected by the Operating Staff Council.

4.8 Dean Representative
One dean shall be elected by and from the deans.

Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/11/2012.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 05/02/2018.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/29/2020.

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Article 5:
Establishment of Grievance Process for Non-Union Faculty and Staff

5.1 Northern Illinois University has a tradition of collegiality and shared governance and strives to maintain that as a mainstay of its institutional culture. This university is a community of those whose varied functions, responsibilities, and contributions are supportive of the instructional, research, and service mission of the institution. Civil and professional interactions among all faculty and staff are essential to support that mission in an effective, efficient, and ethical manner.

5.2 Therefore, it is crucial for the university to ensure the right of all faculty and staff to perform their individual and collaborative roles in an environment that is free from incivility, misuse of authority, intimidation, retaliation, and infringement upon personal and academic freedoms. In order to provide recourse for allegations of inappropriate treatment by other faculty and staff, the university has established procedures for non-union faculty and staff to file a grievance, as set forth in the Non-Union Faculty and Staff Grievance Procedures.

Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/30/2008.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/27/2011.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/02/2014.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/29/2020.

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Article 6:
Establishment of Grievance Process for Students

6.1 As a student-centered institution of higher learning, Northern Illinois University strives to create a professional environment that is free from unprofessional or inappropriate acts or decisions by a university employee which adversely affect students in the academic or educational setting. This is consistent with the preamble of the Northern Illinois University Constitution which declares that "Respect for the intrinsic dignity of each member of the university community, both by the university itself and by each member of that community, is the basic cornerstone governing all community activities."


6.2 Enactment of the Student Grievance Process shall promote the values inherent in the American Association of University Professors' Statement of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure. That is to say, employees have an obligation to (a) promote the common good, (b) pursue a free search for truth, and (c) protect students' freedom in learning. Students have a right to expect that these values be demonstrated throughout the university. In order to provide recourse for allegations of unprofessional or inappropriate acts or decisions by a university employee which adversely affect students in the academic or educational setting, the university has established procedures through the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost for students to file a grievance, as set forth in the Student Grievance Procedures

Grievance Procedures for Students established by University Council 04/02/2014.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/29/2020.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/06/2022.

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Article 7:
Placement of Critical Materials in Faculty Personnel Files

7.1 All information contained in any faculty member's personnel file shall be open for inspection by that faculty member with the following exception: Written statements assessing the professional qualifications, performance, or promise of a faculty member which are solicited as the result of a process of which that faculty member is knowledgeable and to which that person has specifically consented, and which are made available only to those serving on the committee(s) concerned with evaluating the faculty member in question, and to those administrative officers being advised by such committee(s). Summaries of such statements, prepared by those committees and administrators, will also be provided to the faculty member, who may submit concise written responses to accompany them, with the provision that the sources of those statements will not be revealed to that person.

7.2 A faculty member shall be informed prior to the inclusion of any adverse charges or information in his or her file and offered an opportunity for inclusion of a written rejoinder to be attached to the original statement.

7.3 This article applies to both ranked and no-rank faculty and their respective personnel files.

Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/29/2020.

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Article 8:
Other Standing Committees of the University

8.1 Athletic Board

8.1.1 Composition The Athletic Board is directly responsible to the president of the university. It shall consist of the following members: 

  • One faculty member from the College of Law to be selected by the faculty of that college and one faculty member from each of the other degree-granting colleges selected by the respective college councils; 
  • One member of the University Libraries faculty selected by that faculty; 
  • Two students selected by the Student Government Association with two colleges represented; 
  • Two student-athletes, when possible from a female and male team, selected by the Student Athlete Advisory Council (SAAC); 
  • One member of the Alumni Association selected by the Alumni Association; 
  • One member of the operating staff selected by the Operating Staff Council; 
  • One member of the supportive professional staff selected by the Supportive Professional Staff Council; 
  • One nonvoting member from the Huskie Athletic Fund selected by the Huskie Athletic Fund.
  • In addition, the associate vice president/director of athletics and the university general counsel shall be ex officio, nonvoting members.  

With the exception of student representatives, members shall serve three-year staggered terms. Student members shall be appointed annually, although they may be replaced midsemester if class conflicts occur. All members shall be eligible for reappointment.

The faculty athletics representative shall serve as the chair of the Athletic Board, ex officio, voting.

Administration and/or faculty members shall constitute at least a majority of the board.

8.1.2 Duties The board shall assume responsibility for directing the policies through which intercollegiate athletics, both men's and women's programs, shall function as a university activity. In performing this responsibility, the board shall develop and implement procedures for the periodic review of athletic programs in terms of their quality and their consistency with the institution's academic mission. The board shall assure equity between men's and women's intercollegiate athletic programs. The areas in which the board provides oversight are related to diversity/inclusion, finance/facilities, staff/student services, and external affairs. The specific responsibilities of the board are articulated in the board's policies and procedures manual. Minutes shall be kept of all board meetings. The board shall distribute minutes and reports to University Council members. Substantive changes in policy shall be submitted to the University Council for approval. Approved minutes shall be deposited in the university archives. 

8.1.3 Executive Committee The Athletic Board shall appoint an executive committee comprised of the chair, the liaisons to the working groups, and such other persons as the board shall determine. The executive committee shall be chaired by the chair of the board. The committee shall advise the chair between meetings of the board, develop the agenda for board meetings, serve as an advisory body to the intercollegiate athletic department, and perform such other duties as may be assigned to it by the board.

8.2 University Benefits Committee

8.2.1 Composition The University Benefits Committee is directly responsible to the president and shall consist of:

(A) A chair, elected by and from the committee;

 Two faculty members appointed by the president upon the recommendation of the Faculty Senate;

 Two operating staff members appointed by the president upon the recommendation of the Operating Staff Council;

 Two supportive professional staff members appointed by the president upon the recommendation of the Supportive Professional Staff Council;

 One representative of the administration, appointed by the executive vice president and provost;

 Senior administrator responsible for human resource services or designee;

 One member from the retired employees, appointed by the NIU Annuitants Association;

 One member from the Faculty Senate Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee, as liaison;

 The manager of insurance and employee benefits and others who may be directly involved in the administration of employee benefits may assist the committee as resource personnel. The committee chair and secretary shall be elected by and from members of the committee at the first committee meeting in the fall. The term of office for faculty, operating staff, and supportive professional staff members shall be three years, staggered, beginning in the fall semester. Representatives of the administration shall serve until their successors are appointed. 

8.2.2 Duties To act as an advisory body to the president on any and all employee benefits pertaining to faculty, operating staff, and supportive professional staff. To review present benefit plans and proposals received from the University Council, the Operating Staff Council, Supportive Professional Staff Council, and the committee itself. To make recommendations to the president concerning employee benefits. 

8.3 Campus Security and Environmental Quality Committee

8.3.1 Composition The committee shall have the following members:

(A) The executive vice president and provost; the vice president for administration and finance; the associate vice president for student affairs; and the vice president for enrollment management, marketing and communications, or their designees;

 The chair of the University Council, the associate vice president of facilities planning and operations; the chief of police; the director of parking services; the director of environmental health and safety; and the campus planning coordinator, or their designees;

 Two faculty appointed to serve two-year staggered terms by the Faculty Senate from nominees submitted by the college councils, the Library Council, and the faculty of the College of Law; two operating staff appointed to serve two-year staggered terms by the Operating Staff Council; and two supportive professional staff appointed to serve two-year staggered terms by the Supportive Professional Staff Council;

 Four students appointed to serve one-year terms, including one resident undergraduate student, selected by the Residence Hall Association; one graduate student, selected by the Graduate Council; one Greek Community student selected by the president of the Student Government Association; and one commuting student, selected by the president of the Student Government Association;

 A representative of the City of DeKalb, appointed by the City Manager. 

8.3.2 Duties The Campus Security and Environmental Quality Committee shall meet on a regular basis and shall advise the president, or his/her designee, on matters involving the security (including personal and property security) of the university community and protecting and enhancing the interior and exterior quality and security of the campus environment. Membership on the committee shall assure broad and balanced representation of the university community and it geographic regions (e.g., Greek row, residence halls, parking areas, classrooms). The chair of the committee shall be appointed by the president from its membership. 

8.4 University Advisory Committee (UAC) to the Board of Trustees

8.4.1 Composition The committee shall consist of the president of the Faculty Senate, the presidents of the Supportive Professional Staff Council and the Operating Staff Council, and three additional faculty members selected to represent the faculty's multiple roles in the university, particularly those in teaching, research, and service. These faculty shall be nominated by the University Council chair and confirmed by the University Council. They shall serve three-year staggered terms. In the event of a mid-term vacancy in a faculty position, the University Council chair shall nominate a person to fill the remainder of that term with the nomination confirmed by the University Council. In the nomination of the faculty representatives, the University Council chair shall consult with the Faculty Senate. 

8.4.2 Duties The Board of Trustees expects the president to meet regularly with the University Advisory Committee. The president shall keep the University Advisory Committee informed of, and shall seek and receive advice from it about, matters coming before the Board of Trustees. The University Advisory Committee may appoint one or two of its members to serve as liaison to each of the working committees of the board. A University Advisory Committee liaison, or a spokesperson chosen by the University Advisory Committee because of expertise on a specific issue, will be recognized at a regularly scheduled point on the committee agenda. The committee shall be accountable to the University Council. Members of the committee shall also be accountable to their specific university organization -Faculty Senate, Operating Staff Council, or Supportive Professional Staff Council. 

8.5 Faculty Representative to the Illinois Board of Higher Education

8.5.1 The Faculty Senate shall elect a tenured faculty member to serve on the Faculty Advisory Council to the Illinois Board of Higher Education. The person so elected shall serve a four-year, renewable term beginning at the start of the fall semester. The person shall receive annual compensation equal to one month of the median salary of all tenured faculty. If not otherwise a member, the person shall serve as an ex officio nonvoting member of the Faculty Senate and the University Council. 

8.6 Membership on Standing Committees of the University

8.6.1 Appointment to Standing Committees Appointment to standing committees and to other university committees which require approval or consent of the University Council will follow the procedure below: The University Council chair shall notify the eligible faculty of the available positions by written announcement. Departmental representatives to their college councils shall submit to their respective college councils the names of interested applicants for their particular positions, together with any additional nominees of their choice. In a college without departments or a college council, the faculty as a whole shall act as both department and college council. The college councils concerned will consider the list of applicants and nominees, together with any choices of their own, and make appropriate recommendations directly to the University Council for action according to established procedure. The recommendations of each college council shall attempt to represent equitably minorities and women within the college.

(A) In case a position is identified as being from the university-at-large, one candidate may be recommended to the University Council by each college council, together with a brief statement concerning the special qualifications of each nominee.

 In case a position is identified as representing a specific college, not more than two candidates will be recommended to the University Council. The University Council chair, upon receipt of nominations from the colleges, will solicit from each nominee a brief statement indicating the nature of the nominee's interest in the committee and qualifications for appointment. The University Council shall examine the qualifications of the nominees and recommend those nominees who seem best qualified. The recommendations of the University Council shall attempt to represent equitably the minorities and women nominated to the council. The University Council shall make the final choice for recommendation to the president. Where the appointee to a committee is required to be a member of the University Council, the nomination shall be made to the University Council for approval, together with a brief statement concerning the special qualifications of the nominee. When a need arises for an immediate nomination, the University Council shall have the authority to make the nomination itself. A person nominated under this provision shall be authorized to assume the responsibilities of the position immediately, subject to final confirmation by the University Council at the earliest possible meeting of the council. 

8.6.2 Designation of Alternates to Standing Committees of the University and Other University Committees Should a member of a standing committee of the university or other university-wide committee be unable to attend a meeting of the committee or temporarily be unable to serve on the committee for a period of time not to exceed nine weeks, such member may designate a qualified alternate from the members of the constituency represented. Each committee shall, at the beginning of each academic year, approve working rules specific to that committee with respect to the determination of alternate members. The designated alternate shall have the same prerogatives as the regular member. Should a member be unable to complete a term of office or be unable to serve on the committee for a period of time in excess of nine weeks, a replacement shall be selected in the same manner in which the regular member was selected, and shall serve until such time as the regular member is able to return to the committee or until the beginning of the next term of office. 

8.7 General Provisions for University Committees

8.7.1 Representation If the established procedure for selecting members of any governance, personnel, or academic council or committee at the university level does not, in an individual instance provide for an appropriate representation of women and of minority members, the administrative officer responsible for the council or committee's operation shall, with the advice and consent of the members of the council or committee, make such appointments as are necessary to achieve such representation subject only to the availability of eligible women and minorities to serve. Any person appointed under this provision shall have qualifications appropriate for service on the council or committee, shall serve a term of no more than one year, and shall be eligible for an additional term. When the established procedures for the selection of faculty representation on such committees do not provide for an appropriate representation of women and of minority faculty members, such representation shall be achieved only by the appointment of persons holding faculty rank and shall be subject only to the availability of eligible women and minorities to serve. It shall be the responsibility of the University Council chair to monitor the membership of university committees to assure compliance with the provisions of this section. 

8.7.2 Quorum Requirements A quorum for all committees directly or indirectly related to the University Council shall consist of a majority of the voting members. Exceptions to this rule must be expressly approved by the University Council. (See Article for designation of alternates to standing committees of the university and other university committees.) 

8.7.3 Student Representation When a college student advisory committee, or other body, is directed by these bylaws to submit a list of nominees for the appointment of students to a university committee, and fails to do so within one month of the date on which it receives notification of the need for such nominees, then the Student Government Association may submit a list of nominees for that appointment. Such nominees must be students whose declared major is in the college to be represented or who otherwise are members of the constituency to be represented. 

Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/09/2008.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/30/2008.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 03/25/2009.

Proposed amendment approved by University Council 01/27/2010. 
Editorial update made to reflect current position title per University Council approval of identical Committee Book update 11/02/2011.
Editorial correction made to then (D), Residence Hall Council to Residence Hall Association 11/27/2012.

Proposed amendment approved by University Council 12/04/2013.
Editorial updates made to reflect current position title 02/04/2014.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/02/2014.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 10/07/2015.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 10/05/2016.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 12/04/2019.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/29/2020.

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Article 9:
Administrative Committees

9.1 Council of Deans 

9.1.1 Composition The council of deans shall consist of: the executive vice president and provost, chair; the vice provosts; the deans; the dean of the University Libraries and such additional academic personnel as the executive vice president and provost and deans shall deem appropriate and necessary to the work of the council. The council members are directly responsible to the executive vice president and provost. 

9.1.2 Duties To act as an advisory body to the executive vice president and provost concerning all matters relating to university administration as it affects academic matters. To serve as a liaison body between the units of the university that they represent and among constituent parts of their respective units. To initiate policy and to transfer recommendations of academic policy to the president's staff and the University Council. 

Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/03/2019.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/29/2020.

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Article 10:
Administrative and Faculty Appointments

10.1 All administrative appointments are made by the Board of Trustees upon the recommendation of the president.

10.2 Notice of Vacancies Information concerning college- and university-level administrative positions, when newly created or vacated, shall be disseminated to the university community by the person responsible for making the initial recommendation of appointment to fill the position.

10.3 Recruitment, Appointment, and Performance Review of Academic Administrators
and Vice Presidents

The usual procedures for recruitment and appointment of academic administrators and vice presidents shall involve a search committee from the appropriate constituencies. Nominations to the search committee shall attempt to include appropriate representation of women and minority groups. The appointing or nominating officer, in consultation with the search committee, shall describe the position to be filled and the qualifications sought in a candidate.

Representatives of the faculty, students, supportive professional staff, operating staff, and the administration, when serving on the search committee, shall participate fully in all aspects of the selection process, including the development of the job description, preparation and dissemination of position announcements, candidate screening and interviewing, and determination of the final list of candidates acceptable for appointment to the position.

10.3.1 The Executive Vice President and Provost The executive vice president and provost shall serve a six-year term, renewable for additional terms of up to four years each. Selection of an Executive Vice President and Provost The selection process for the executive vice president and provost shall be similar to that for department chairs except that:

1.  the Faculty Senate or Steering Committee of the Faculty Senate shall have the opportunity to review the selection criteria prior to the advertisement of the position; 

2.  final candidates shall meet with the Faculty Senate, or if that is not practicable, the Steering Committee of the Faculty Senate; 

3.  the president of the Faculty Senate shall serve on the search committee and if the president is or will be a candidate for the position the vice president will serve instead; if the vice president also is or will be a candidate for the position, the Faculty Senate will elect a faculty senator who is not a candidate for the position to serve on the search committee; 

4.  and other members of the search committee shall include:

(A) Eight (8) tenured faculty members to be chosen as follows:  one tenured faculty member from the College of Law to be selected by the faculty of that college; one tenured faculty member from each of the other degree-granting colleges to be selected by the respective college council; one tenured faculty member of the University Libraries faculty to be selected by the Library Council; 

 One department chair elected by and from the department chairs of the university; 

 One dean to be selected by the Council of Deans; 

 One supportive professional staff member from a student services unit, to be selected by the Student Services Professional Staff Advisory Committee; 

 One representative of the supportive professional staff from an academic or student services unit to be selected by the Supportive Professional Staff Council; 

 One representative of the operating staff from an academic or student services unit to be selected by the Operating Staff Council; 

 Two undergraduate students, each from a different college, to be selected by the president of the Student Government Association from a list of two undergraduate students submitted by each college Student Advisory Committee; 

 One law or graduate student selected by the student members of the Graduate Council in conjunction with the president of the Student Bar Association; 

 The president of the university who shall serve as chair. Review and Reappointment of the Executive Vice President and Provost Prior to the fall semester of the last year of the executive vice president and provost's term of service the president shall confer with the executive vice president and provost to determine whether an additional term is feasible. If the president and the executive vice president and provost agree upon the feasibility of another term, the president shall consult with the deans and the Faculty Senate separately at the beginning of the fall semester to initiate a comprehensive review of the executive vice president and provost's performance, and, subsequently, to determine whether or not an additional term should be offered to the incumbent. This review and consultation shall be completed and the resultant decision reported no later than six weeks subsequent to the beginning of the fall semester of the last year of the executive vice president and provost's term of service. Should either the deans or the Faculty Senate prefer, the president shall initiate a selection process to secure a new executive vice president and provost. In connection with such a recommendation, the deans shall consult their college faculties or their respective college councils and college senates and inform the president concerning the advice of these bodies. 

10.3.2 Deans Deans shall serve six-year terms, renewable for additional terms of up to four years each. Selection

(A) The selection process for deans shall be similar to that for department chairs, except that the search committee shall consist of regular members of the constituent faculty elected in accordance with provisions developed by the appropriate college council or college faculty, constituent undergraduate and graduate students selected by the college student advisory committee in accordance with provisions developed by the appropriate college council or college faculty, and the executive vice president and provost who shall serve as search chair. In making its recommendations to the executive vice president and provost, the search committee shall consult with an advisory committee selected by and from the college senate, and with one selected by and from the council of deans.

 For the dean of the Graduate School, and the dean of the University Libraries, the process would be similar to that for the other deans, except that other appropriate faculty and student bodies would be involved. Prior to filling any such vacancy, or to conducting a comprehensive review of the performance of any such officer, the executive vice president and provost shall propose a search committee structure for that position, listing the constituencies to be represented and the number of representatives from each such constituency, to the Faculty Senate for the Senate's advice and consent. Review and Reappointment

(A) Prior to the end of the spring semester of the penultimate year of a dean’s term of service, the executive vice president and provost shall confer with the dean to determine whether an additional term is feasible. If the executive vice president and provost and the dean agree upon the feasibility of an additional term, the executive vice president and provost shall consult separately with the current college council and college senate, or college faculty in those colleges without a college council and college senate, prior to the end of that spring semester. To be comprehensive, this review shall include input from the faculty-at-large in that college in a format to be developed by the executive vice president and provost in consultation with the current college council and college senate, or college faculty in those colleges without a college council and college senate. This consultation shall take place prior to the end of that spring semester. This format shall guarantee the confidentiality of the faculty input. This review and consultation must be completed and the resultant decision reported no later than six weeks subsequent to the beginning of the fall semester of the last year of a dean’s term of service. Should either the college council or college senate, or college faculty in those colleges without a college council and college senate, prefer, the executive vice president and provost shall initiate a selection process to secure a new dean.

 For the dean of the Graduate School, and the dean of the University Libraries, the process would be similar to that for the other deans, except that the review for each such position would be conducted by a committee comprised and selected in accordance with the provisions set forth in Article 

10.3.3 Institute, Center and Other Directors with Terms The title of the executive officer of each academic institute, center, or program in the university with a distinct, continuing allocation of general revenue funds shall be director. Directors are appointed for terms of three to six years, renewable for additional terms of up to four years each. The term is to be determined mutually by the chief administrative officer of the directorship's college or other administrative unit and an appropriate committee of faculty participating in the institute, center, or program. Selection The selection of a new director shall involve a search committee composed of faculty and supportive professional staff persons elected by and from those regularly involved in the work of the institute, center, or program, and chaired by the chief administrative officer, or that officer's designee, of the director's college or other administrative unit. The administrative officer may, with the consent of the affected faculty and professional staff, add additional persons to serve as voting or nonvoting members of the committee. Student representation shall be included where appropriate. The committee shall recommend candidates to the administrative officer for the appointment. Candidates shall be interviewed by the executive vice president and provost. They shall also be interviewed by the vice provost responsible for graduate studies and research if the directorship involves graduate studies or research, and by the vice provost responsible for undergraduate studies if the directorship involves undergraduate studies. The executive vice president and provost and vice provosts may, at their option, name a designee to represent them at these interviews. Review and Reappointment Prior to the end of the spring semester of the penultimate year of a director's term of service, the chief administrative officer of the unit or college or other unit to whom the director reports shall confer with the director to determine whether an additional term is feasible. If the chief administrative officer and director agree upon the feasibility of an additional term, the chief administrative officer shall consult separately with the appropriate faculty and supportive professional staff prior to the end of that spring semester to initiate a comprehensive review of the director's performance and, subsequently, to determine whether or not such an additional term should be offered the incumbent. This review shall guarantee the confidentiality of the faculty and supportive professional staff input. This review and consultation must be completed and the resultant decision reported no later than six weeks after the beginning of the fall semester of the last year of the director's term of service. If the participating faculty or supportive professional staff prefer, the chief administrative officer shall initiate a selection process for the purpose of securing a new director. 

10.3.4 Department Chairs The title of the executive officer of each academic department in the university which has regular faculty shall be chair. Chairs are appointed for terms of three to six years, renewable for additional terms of up to four years each. The term is to be determined mutually by the dean of the college and the appropriate departmental committee. Selection The selection of a new chair shall be conducted by a departmental search committee elected in accordance with departmental bylaws. The dean of the college, or the dean’s designee, shall chair the committee. The dean may, with consent of the department regular faculty, appoint additional persons to serve as either voting or non-voting members of the committee. Such additional appointees may include department regular faculty, faculty from the department who are not on regular appointment, staff, and students provided, however, that a majority of the voting membership of the committee are department regular faculty. Candidates shall be interviewed by the committee, representatives of the appropriate college senate, the dean of the Graduate School, and the executive vice president and provost of the university or their designees. After obtaining appropriate input from faculty, staff, students and other parties to the process, the committee shall recommend to the dean only candidates acceptable for appointment. If provided by the department’s bylaws, the committee shall poll the department regular faculty on the acceptability of candidates for the position and shall recommend to the dean only candidates receiving a majority of the votes cast. The dean shall appoint one of the recommended candidates, or not make an appointment if the dean determines that none of the available candidates is acceptable. For the purposes of this section, “department regular faculty” is used as defined in Article 2.2.1 of the Constitution. Review and Reappointment Prior to the end of the spring semester of the penultimate year of a chair's term of service, the dean shall confer with the chair to determine if the chair wishes an additional term. The dean shall consult the department faculty prior to the end of that spring semester to initiate a comprehensive review of the chair's performance and, subsequently, to determine whether or not such an additional term should be offered the incumbent. This review shall guarantee the confidentiality of the faculty input. This review and consultation must be completed and the resultant decision reported no later than six weeks subsequent to the beginning of the fall semester of the last year of a chair's term of service. If the department prefers, the dean shall initiate a selection process for the purpose of securing a new chair. 

10.3.5 Selection and Review of Associate and Assistant Officers Associate and assistant vice provosts, associate and assistant deans, associate and assistant chairs, and associate and assistant directors shall serve at the pleasure of the officer appointing them. The selection process for associate and assistant vice provosts, deans, department chairs, and directors shall be similar to that specified for the executive vice president and provost, deans, chairs, or directors, respectively, except that the executive vice president and provost, dean, chair, or director, respectively, shall serve as chair of the search committee. The search committee shall recommend to the executive vice president and provost, dean, chair, or director, respectively, two or more candidates for the appointment. Review and Reappointment The performance of associate and assistant officers shall be reviewed annually, with a comprehensive review conducted for each person at intervals of no more than five years. If the comprehensive review indicates significant dissatisfaction among the faculty and administrative officers with whom the associate or assistant works, the associate or assistant shall be given one more year in the position during which time a search process shall be initiated to select a successor.

An additional comprehensive review shall be conducted for each associate or assistant officer serving under a newly appointed executive vice president and provost, dean, chair, or director if more than 12 months have elapsed since the last comprehensive review of the assistant or associate. This additional review shall be conducted as soon as practicable after the newly appointed official assumes office. 

10.3.6 Student Participation in Search and Review Processes If a student advisory body has been established, and is meeting on a regularly scheduled basis, for any office of academic administration covered by Article 10.3 of these bylaws, that student advisory body shall be consulted in connection with any search or comprehensive review process undertaken in connection with any administrative officer in that office. That consultation shall be undertaken by the official responsible for recommending the appointment of the officer being recruited or reviewed.

For purposes of this subsection, the Student Government Association shall be considered the student advisory body to the vice presidents of the university. 

10.4 Other Administrative Appointments

10.4.1 Selection Process All positions with line administrative authority in any division of the university shall be filled only after a selection process conducted in full compliance with these bylaws, including a search conducted by a committee containing representation from appropriate constituencies served by the position being filled. 

10.4.2 Search Committee Such a committee shall represent among its members the constituencies of the major areas affected by the office to be filled. Unless otherwise described in these bylaws, the structure of the committee to be used for each position being filled shall be stipulated by the president subject to the advice and consent of the University Council, provided the University Council does not waive its right to give advice and consent. The Steering Committee of the University Council shall be empowered to give such advice and consent on behalf of the University Council during the summer months when the University Council is not normally in session. 

10.4.3 Review Procedure Unless otherwise stipulated in these bylaws, the performance of each administrative officer shall be comprehensively reviewed at intervals of no more than five years. Each such review shall be conducted by a committee composed of the same representation used in the formation of the search committee which would be established to conduct the selection process to fill that position when it is vacant. A report of the review committee's findings, together with the committee's recommendation regarding the incumbent's continued service in office, shall be forwarded to the administrative officer to whom the person being reviewed normally reports and, if that administrative officer is someone other than the president, to the president. Where no search committee of the type described in Article 9.4.2 has been used, a review procedure shall be followed in which the person to be appointed shall be reviewed by the appropriate areas concerned. Whenever possible, existing appropriate bodies of faculty and students shall be employed in the review process. For example, college-level appointments should be reviewed by college-level bodies. 

10.4.4 Civil Service Positions Positions with line administrative authority which are covered by the university's civil service shall be recruited and reviewed in accordance with the provisions of the civil service system. Such positions are not subject to the provisions of these bylaws. 

10.5 Acting and Other Temporary Administrative Appointments

10.5.1 If it is necessary to fill an administrative office, either because the incumbent is on leave of absence or because the office must be filled on a temporary basis while the search procedures specified in Article 10.3 of these bylaws or in other university regulations are being completed, the administrative officer to whom the person to be appointed will report may appoint a temporary, acting replacement. This appointment shall be made only after consultation with the principal faculty committee and other committees routinely involved in advising the administrative office being filled. Questions regarding the appropriate committees for such consultation in any particular instance shall be resolved by the FS/UC Rules, Governance and Elections Committee. 

10.5.2 When a vacant administrative office is being filled with a temporary or acting appointment, search procedures to secure a permanent incumbent for the office must be instituted within six months of such an appointment. Temporary or acting appointments made under such circumstances shall be for a term of no more than one year, and may not be renewed unless the subsequent search to fill the position fails to produce a permanent appointee. This section of these bylaws may be waived when the office responsible for making the acting or temporary appointment is itself filled by an administrative officer holding office on an acting or temporary basis. In such instances, this section shall become operative on the date that an administrative officer who has a regular appointment as the incumbent in the appointing office assumes the responsibilities of that office. This section of these bylaws may be waived if approval for such a waiver is obtained by the officer making the acting or temporary appointment from appropriate advisory committee and subsequently from the University Council. Questions about the appropriate advisory committee for any position shall be resolved by the FS/UC Rules, Governance and Elections Committee. 

10.6 These regulations do not preclude periodic evaluations by faculty of academic administrators as may be described by department or college bylaws.

10.7 Performance Reviews

10.7.1 The President The president shall be subject to a comprehensive review of that officer's performance in office at the beginning of the penultimate year of service in the position. The comprehensive review shall be conducted under the auspices of the University Council and shall provide opportunities for input from all appropriate segments of the university community. The results of that review, together with the University Council's recommendation regarding the president's continued performance in office, shall be forwarded to the Board of Trustees. The University Council may meet in executive session to formulate its conclusions and recommendations regarding the performance of the president. 

10.7.2 Vice Presidents The president shall review annually the performance of each vice president. A comprehensive review of the performance in office of each vice president, except for the vice president who simultaneously serves in the office of provost, shall be conducted at the start of the officer's sixth year of service in office and at the start of each fourth year thereafter. The president shall involve representatives of the appropriate campus constituencies and the University Council in the comprehensive review of each vice president, and receive reports and recommendations regarding the affected vice president's continued tenure in office. 

10.7.3 Assistants to the President and Associate and Assistant Vice Presidents Assistants to the president and associate and assistant vice presidents shall serve at the pleasure of the officer appointing them. Their performance in office shall be reviewed annually, with a comprehensive review conducted for each such person at intervals of no more than five years. Appropriate constituencies from the university community shall be invited to participate in the comprehensive review process. The results of each such review, together with related recommendations regarding continued performance in office, shall be forwarded to the administrative officer to whom the person being reviewed reports.

An additional comprehensive review shall be conducted for each assistant continuing service under a newly appointed president, vice president, dean, department chair, or director if more than 12 months have elapsed since the last comprehensive review of the assistant. 

10.7.4 Guidelines and procedures for the conduct of comprehensive reviews shall be determined in advance by representatives of the appropriate constituencies. 

10.8 Representation on Search Committees--All Faculty and Administrative Searches

10.8.1 If the established procedures for selecting members of a university search committee do not, in an individual instance, provide an appropriate representation of women and of minority members, the administrative officer responsible for the conduct of the search, with the advice and consent of the committee, shall make such appointments as are necessary to achieve such representation and subject only to the availability of eligible women and minorities to serve. 

10.8.2 When the established procedures for the selection of faculty representation on a search committee formed to recruit a president, vice president, or a dean do not provide for an appropriate representation of women and of minority faculty members, such representation shall be achieved only by the appointment of persons holding faculty rank and shall be subject only to the availability of eligible women and minorities to serve. 

10.8.3 The application of this section shall be monitored by the president for searches for vice presidents and presidential staff officers, by vice presidents for administrative officers within their respective jurisdictions, and by college deans for administrative and faculty positions within their respective colleges. 

10.8.4 This provision applies to all searches undertaken to fill faculty or administrative positions within the university. 

10.9 Special Exceptions to the Provisions of Article 10

10.9.1 Any necessary exceptions to the requirements stated in this article of the bylaws must be approved by written authorization from the president of the university, and shall be effective only after the university community has been notified of the exception by publication of the president's written authorization. That written authorization shall contain a statement of reasons for the exception. 

10.9.2 Cases of dispute regarding the application of this article of these bylaws to individual positions of administrative authority shall be resolved by action of the University Council. 

Proposed amendment approved by University Council 03/09/2005.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 01/29/2020.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/29/2020.

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Article 11:
The University Ombudsperson

11.1 The Ombudsperson
The ombudsperson is a resource person whose services are available to any member of the university community. Duties of the ombudsperson include the following: Assist members of the university community in accomplishing the expeditious settlement of administrative, academic, and individual complaints or grievances; make reports and recommendations to the president concerning complaints or grievances for which no remedy has been found; report annually, in writing, to the University Council regarding the operation of the Office of the Ombudsperson, and provide an oral summary at a University Council meeting in the beginning of the penultimate year of the term.

11.2 Access to Documents
Whenever necessary to the resolution of specific complaints or grievances, the ombudsperson shall have access to all members of the university community and all university records and reports with the exception of medical, psychiatric, and psychological records which will be released only upon presentation of a notarized waiver signed by the individual whose records are requested.

11.3 The Office of the Ombudsperson

11.3.1  Appointment
The president shall appoint a person to fill the position of ombudsperson from among a list of acceptable candidates submitted to the president by the Ombudsperson Search and Review Committee (OSRC).

11.3.2  Term of Office
The ombudsperson shall serve an initial term of six years, beginning on that incumbent’s first day of service in office. The ombudsperson shall be eligible for reappointment to successive four-year terms if recommended by the OSRC.

11.3.3  Responsibility
The ombudsperson shall be responsible to the president for the discharge of the duties of the office.

11.3.4 Resources
The Office of the President shall provide the Office of the Ombudsperson with appropriate financial, secretarial, and office resources to fulfill its responsibilities. The ombudsperson shall annually submit a proposed office budget to the Office of the President.

11.4  Selection of an Ombudsperson
The selection of an ombudsperson shall be conducted by the OSRC, which is established by the University Council. A selection will occur when the current ombudsperson does not wish to be considered for another term, when the OSRC fails to pass a recommendation for another term, when the president decides not to reappoint the current ombudsperson for another term, or when other circumstances result in the position being vacant.

11.4.1  The OSRC will consist of the following:

(A) One undergraduate student appointed by the Student Government Association;
(B)  One graduate student appointed by the Student Government Association;
(C) Two faculty members appointed by the Faculty Senate;
(D) One supportive professional staff member appointed by the Supportive Professional Staff Council;
(E) One operating staff member appointed by the Operating Staff Council;
(F)  A representative of the university administration appointed by the president.

At the time of appointment, each appointee should expect to be available on campus for the full academic year.

11.4.2 Officers
(A) Committee chair – The committee shall select its chair from among the faculty members of the committee.

(B) Secretary – The university administration representative shall serve as secretary of the committee.

11.4.3  Voting Power
All members of the committee, including the chair, shall have the right to participate in all deliberations of the committee and to vote on all questions brought before the committee. All decisions and recommendations receiving a majority vote of the full committee membership will be deemed as passed.

11.4.4 Resources
The Office of the President shall provide the committee with appropriate financial, administrative, and other office resources to fulfill its responsibilities.

The committee shall insure that the constituencies served by the ombudsperson have the opportunity to interview the candidates and provide feedback to the committee regarding the acceptability of the candidates.

11.5 Review and Reappointment of the Ombudsperson

11.5.1 The performance of the ombudsperson shall be reviewed annually by the president.

11.5.2  In the beginning of the penultimate year of the ombudsperson’s term, if the ombudsperson wishes to be considered for reappointment, a comprehensive review shall be conducted by the OSRC, which is established by the University Council.  OSRC
See Articles 11.4.1-11.4.4. Duties
At the beginning of the penultimate year of the ombudsperson’s term of office, the committee shall determine whether the ombudsperson wishes to be considered for an additional term.

When the ombudsperson wishes to be considered for an additional term:

(A) The committee shall conduct a review of the ombudsperson’s performance in office, using the operative job description for the office as a guide. The committee shall provide appropriate opportunities for input from members of the university community. Upon conclusion of its review, the committee shall make its recommendation regarding reappointment to the University Council, and such recommendation shall be subject to University Council approval. The University Council-approved recommendation shall then be communicated to the president prior to the end of the penultimate year of the ombudsperson’s term.

(B) Simultaneously with the performance review, the committee shall also review the question of the continuing need for the Office of the Ombudsperson. The committee shall give consideration to the recommendations of the Student Government Association, the Faculty Senate, the Operating Staff Council, and the Supportive Professional Staff Council. Upon conclusion of its review, the committee shall make its recommendation regarding the continuing need for the Office of the Ombudsperson to the University Council, and such recommendation shall be subject to University Council approval. The University Council-approved recommendation shall then be communicated to the president prior to the end of the penultimate year of the ombudsperson’s term.

Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/09/2008.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/30/2008.
Editorial updates: "Ombudsman" to "Ombudsperson" made 04/20/2012.

Proposed amendment approved by University Council 05/01/2013.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/03/2019.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/29/2020.

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Article 12:
Supportive Professional Staff Personnel Advisor and Operating Staff Personnel Advisor

There will be a unique personnel advisor appointed for supportive professional staff (SPS) and operating staff (OS) who are not covered by a collective bargaining unit that negotiates with NIU. Operating staff covered by a collective bargaining unit that negotiates with NIU may seek assistance from the personnel advisor only if the advice and assistance they are seeking is not related to their terms and conditions of employment. These two personnel advisors will act as a resource for their respective staff bodies.

Though there will be some elements unique to an individual employment class, overall, the advisor roles will each include (but not be limited to) the following activities:

  • Provide advice and assistance about the personnel policies and procedures within the university and the courses of action open to SPS and OS members respectively. 
  • Advise and assist non-unionized staff members who are experiencing difficulties with the personnel process. 
  • Advise and assist non-unionized staff members dissatisfied with personnel decisions. 
  • Observe the workings of the personnel process and recommend needed changes or clarification. 
  • Serve as grievance officer in cases of staff pursuing the university grievance procedure set forth in their respective body's governing documents. 
  • Other duties as specified by each shared governance body's individual position description.

    Upon request of an employee, the personnel advisor(s) may:
  • Accompany the employee to scheduled disciplinary meetings.
  • Accompany the employee to performance evaluation meetings.
  • Accompany the employee to meetings with AAEOE staff when filing a complaint or serving as a witness.
  • Accompany the employee to meetings with Human Resource Services staff.
  • Upon receipt of written authorization from an employee, the personnel advisor may serve as liaison between Human Resource Services and the non-unionized employee (with the exception of testing for Civil Service positions).

    When attending meetings with an employee, the personnel advisor's role is to advise and provide support for the employee, but not to respond on the employee's behalf.

12.1 Qualifications
The Supportive Professional Staff Personnel Advisor (SPSPA) shall be a full-time, permanent SPS member. The Operating Staff Personnel Advisor (OSPA) shall be a full-time, non-probationary (initial probation) status employee. For all personnel advisors, a minimum of four years within the employment classification is required. Additionally, experience with the personnel process at various levels, and familiarity with the administrative structure and operations of the university are preferred. Additional parameters for each personnel advisor will be established by each individual shared governance body (Supportive Professional Staff Council (SPSC) and Operating Staff Council (OSC)) and shared as part of the nomination and election process.

Each personnel advisor will undergo training with Human Resource Services, Employee Assistance Program, the Office of the General Counsel, the Office of Ethics and Compliance and the Office of the Ombudsperson in order to ensure that the advisors are familiar with NIU's administrative structure, policies and procedures.

12.2 Conditions of Employment

12.2.1 Each personnel advisor shall receive a stipend consistent with the stipend of the faculty personnel advisor. Appropriate release time from current responsibilities (not to exceed 20 percent) is to be arranged in conjunction with supervisory input, and personnel advisor candidates must coordinate supervisor approval in advance of running for the position.

12.2.2 Secretarial assistance shall be provided through the existing administrative support for SPS Council a nd Operating Staff Council. 

12.2.3 The advisor shall receive a three-year appointment. The advisor can be considered for two successive terms. Process for evaluation of the advisor (and potential removal, if warranted) will be determined by each individual shared governance body. 

12.2.4 The university will keep personnel records pursuant with record and retention regulations. The personnel advisor will keep all active records in a locked secure location in their department. All in active records will be kept for a minimum of three years, and then the records will be dispositioned and destroyed by the personnel advisor. 

12.2.5 The personnel advisors shall each make an annual report which will summarize the activities of the advisor (in such a way as to keep clients' identities anonymous), identify the strengths and weaknesses of the personnel process and make recommendations for changes in the personnel process. Each personnel advisor's annual report shall be submitted to the University Council and the corresponding governance body (SPSC or OSC). These annual reports will be submitted by July 31 of each year.  

12.3 Method of Selection
Typically, the personnel advisors shall be elected by the corresponding governance body in the spring for a three-year term to begin at the start of the fiscal year. 

Proposed creation of this bylaw approved by University Council 10/6/2021.

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Article 13:
Amendments of the NIU Bylaws

Amendment of the NIU Bylaws shall be accomplished as follows:

13.1 Written notice of a proposed amendment to the NIU Bylaws may be presented at any regular meeting of the University Council, but no action shall be taken on a proposed amendment until at least the next regular meeting of the University Council. The waiting period may be waived by a vote of three-fourths of the members voting.

13.2 To become effective, an amendment must be approved by a vote of two-thirds of those voting, provided at least two-thirds of the voting members are present. 

Proposed amendment approved by University Council 03/02/2016.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 04/29/2020.
Proposed amendment approved by University Council 05/04/2022.

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Contact Us

University Council
Altgeld Hall 103

Benjamin Creed
President, Faculty Senate
Chair, University Council

Pat Erickson
Administrative Assistant

Linda Saborío
Faculty Advisory Council to the IBHE

Carrie Kortegast
Faculty Personnel Advisor

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