Study Participants

The STEM IE Project focused on STEM summer programs for young adolescents from groups that have been underrepresented in STEM jobs. In this study those groups include Hispanics, African-Americans, families with low-income, and girls. The demographic characteristics of the youth participants in the study are shown in the table.

We created supplementary materials to inform interested parties about what we learned. As part of that endeavor, we made short video clips about young adolescents and their activity leaders in programs similar to the ones that we studied. Several of those videos explain why STEM summer programs are important for young adolescents from groups that have been underrepresented in STEM fields. One of those programs was designed for young adolescent girls and another program targeted youth from various underrepresented groups. You can listen to the youth and their activity leaders talk about the reasons these programs are needed in Why Girls Only and in Why Summer STEM for Underrepresented Youth. Another short video filmed in several summer programs demonstrates that some youth from underrepresented groups have aspirations for a future in a STEM career, which suggests that these programs are serving an important need.

Demographic Characteristics of Youth Participants

 Students (N = 203)



 % Students
















 Asian/Pacific Islander



















 Parent Education ( N = 171)


 High School or Below


 Graduated from College (B.A. or  B.S.)
