College of Education Leadership and Educational Policy Studies Educational Administration (LEEA)

Student Files

Arranged By: Alphabetical by student name
Application Number: 89-27
Item Number: 250.01


This record series consists of individual files created for each student who declares or shows an interest in a major in Educational Administration. Files include admissions information, correspondence, samples of writing, copies of grades, comprehensive exams, and personal information cards. Original records of students' courses taken, grades received, and degree earned are maintained by the Graduate School.


Retain in office for five (5) years after graduation or date of last attendance, then dispose of.

Comprehensive Exams

Arranged By: year, then semester
Application Number: 89-27
Item Number: 250.02


This record series contains the various exam questions which are used in the Department's comprehensive exams.


Retain in office for ten (10) years or until expiration of administrative value, whichever is longer, then dispose of.

BOR Report Working Papers

Arranged By: Chronological by report period
Application Number: 89-27
Item Number: 250.03


This file consists of any information related to the Board of Regents' Report which is submitted once every seven years. A copy of the final report is also maintained by the departmental office, Dean's Office, Provost's Office, and the Board of Regents.


Retain in office for seven (7) years, then dispose of provided no litigation is pending or anticipated.

Contact Us

Ethics and Compliance Office
Health Services Building, 2nd floor