SMDR (Standard Model in Dimensional Regularization)

SMDR is a library of computer utilities, written in C, for calculations in the tadpole-free pure MSbar scheme in the Standard Model of particle physics.

The MSbar Lagrangian parameters are treated as the fundamental inputs, and calculations relating them to on-shell observable quantities are implemented in a consistent way. The Higgs vacuum expectation value (VEV) is defined as the minimum of the Landau gauge effective potential, so that tadpole diagrams vanish.

Included at present are the minimization condition for the VEV at 3-loop order with 4-loop QCD effects, the Higgs pole mass at 2-loop order with 3-loop QCD and top-quark Yukawa effects, the top-quark pole mass at 4-loop order in QCD with full 2-loop electroweak effects, the W- and Z-boson pole and Breit-Wigner masses and the Fermi decay constant at full 2-loop orders, the fine structure constant and weak mixing angle, and all known contributions to renormalization group equations and threshold matching relations for the gauge couplings, fermion masses and Yukawa couplings.

The code is written in C, and may be linked from C or C++. SMDR is free software, released under the GPL.

The authors are Stephen P. Martin and David G. Robertson. The paper announcing SMDR is available from the preprint archive as 1907.02500.

The source code for the current version (v1.2, May, 2022) of the program can be downloaded here as a gzipped tar file: smdr-1.2.tar.gz. This unpacks into a single directory SMDR-1.2, which includes a README.txt file with complete instructions for building and using SMDR.

SMDR includes within it full copies of the TSIL and 3VIL libraries of utilities for the numerical calculation of dimensionally regularized two-loop self-energy integrals and three-loop vacuum integrals, respectively.

SMDR subsumes and replaces our earlier program SMH, which only calculated the Higgs pole mass.

The SMDR code is now also hosted on github.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant numbers 1719273 and 2013340. The work of DGR was supported in part by a grant from the Ohio Supercomputer Center.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.