Lauren E. Hauck, M.A.

Research Interests

My research interests include parents' influences on the development of adolescents' social competencies and emotional health. Specifically, this includes direct and indirect parenting mechanisms including parental mental health, behavioral modeling, coaching and parenting styles as well as parents’ roles in their children’s educational experiences. I am also interested in the statistical discrepancies between reporters’ perceptions of parenting or children’s functioning and how those differences relate to child adjustment.


Hauck, L.E. and Mounts, N.S. (April, 2021). Indirect Effect of Parent Romantic Behaviors on Adolescent Romantic Competence through Direct Parenting Practices. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society of Research in Child Development, Online Conference.

Mick, C. R., Valentiner, D. P., Hauck, L. E., and Mounts, N. S. (May, 2020). Adolescents’ Beliefs about Maternal Authority over Friendships Moderates the Relation between Maternal Undermining Relatedness and Adolescents’ Social Anxiety Symptoms. Poster presented at the annual convention for the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL. (Conference canceled)

Hauck, L. E., Valentiner, D.P., and Mounts, N. S. (November, 2019). Adolescent and mother perceptions of conflict: Discrepancies in perception and social competence. Poster presented at the annual convention for the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Atlanta, GA.

Hauck, L. E., Schultheis, A., and Mounts, N. S. (March, 2019). Relations between observations of maternal peer management and positive word use on adolescents’ social behavior. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.

Manuscripts in Progress

Caradec, J., Pittman, L. D., and Hauck, L. E. (Full Draft). Transactional associations between coparenting and parents’ depressive and anxious symptoms. Manuscript in preparation.

Hauck, L. E. and Mounts, N. S. (Full Draft). The development of adolescent romantic competencies. Manuscript in preparation. 

Valentiner, D. P., Hauck, L. E., and Mounts, N. S. (Full Draft). Adolescent and mother perceptions of conflict: Discrepancies in perception and social competence. Manuscript in preparation.

Pabis, J. M., Hauck, L. E., Pittman, L. D. (Partial Draft). Links between parenting behaviors and anxiety among early adolescents. Manuscript in preparation.


Graduate Student