Jackie Pabis, M.A.

Research Interests

My research interests include the development and maintenance of internalizing psychopathology in children and adolescents. Specifically, I am interested in how parenting factors, including parenting behaviors and parental stress, contribute to anxiety disorders in children and adolescents.


Ioffe, M., Pittman, L. D., Kochanova, K, and Pabis, J. M. (2020). Parent-adolescent communication influences on anxious and depressive symptoms in early adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 49, 1716-1730. doi: 10.1007/s10964-020-01259-1

Cutright, N. L., Padgett, E. E., Awada, S. R., Pabis, J. M., and Pittman, L. D. (2019). The role of mindfulness in psychological outcomes for children following hurricane exposure. Mindfulness, 1-8. doi: 10.1007/s12671-019-01135-5

Pittman, L. D., Cutright, N. L., McNeela, L. M., Awada, S., Pabis, J. M., Kochanova, K., and Shelleby, E. (2019). Coping strategies and psychological symptoms among children on St. Thomas in the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and Maria. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 33, 151-160. doi:10.1002/jts.22471

Kochanova, K., Pittman, L. D., and Pabis, J. M. (2019) Manuscript Submitted for Publication). Parental stress, parenting, and externalizing problems: Indirect associations among parents of adolescents.

Pabis, J. M., Corning, E. R., Pittman, L. D., McNeela, L. M., Shelleby, E. C., and Cutright, N. L. (In Progress). The relationship between social support and child post-traumatic stress symptoms: The moderating role of age.

Pittman, L. D., Awada, S., Pabis, J. M., and Cutright, N. L. (In Progress). Associations between teachers’ posttraumatic stress and depression symptoms and children’s outcomes in the aftermath of two hurricanes.

Poster Presentations

McNeela, L. M., Pittman, L. D., Caradec, J., Pabis, J. M., and Zolinski, S. (March 2020) Coparenting and adolescent psychological symptoms: A transactional analysis among families with sixth graders. Symposium accepted for presentation at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence: San Diego, CA. (Conference canceled)

Pabis, J. M., Corning, E. R., McNeela, L. M., Awada, S., Padgett, E. E., Kochanova, K., Alfonso, D., and Pittman, L. D. (March 2019). The role of parent social support in predicting psychological outcomes in the aftermath of hurricanes. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.

Corning, E. R., Pabis, J. M., Awada, S., McNeela, L. M., Alfonso, D., Shelleby, E. C., and Pittman, L. D. (March 2019). Hurricane exposure and psychological outcomes in children: The moderating role of gender. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Baltimore, MD.

Pabis, J. M., Corning, E. R., Padgett, E. E., and Pittman, L. D. (October, 2018). The association between social support and child PTS symptoms: The moderating role of grade. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Kansas City, KS.

Padgett, E. E., Cutright, N. L., Pabis, J. M., Kochanova, K., Awada, S. R., McNeela, L. T., and Pittman, L. D. (October, 2018). Mindfulness as a buffer of psychological symptoms following children's exposure to hurricanes. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the National Conference in Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Kansas City, KS.

Kochanova, K., Pittman, L. D., and Pabis, J. M. (2018, April). Parenting stress, parenting, and externalizing problems: Indirect associations among parents of adolescents. Poster to be presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, MN.


Graduate Student