Outdoor Education Classes Offered

Outdoor education classClasses are specifically designed with your school in mind. Learning comes alive when students experience the natural world first hand. We strive to connect the Taft experience to subjects students are learning in the classroom. Classes can be designed around a central theme, Common Core or Next Generation Science Standards, or interdisciplinary approaches.

Classes are taught by a combination of Lorado Taft teaching staff and your school teaching team.

A Taft staff member serves as the coordinator for your school. Coordinators travel to schools about four to six weeks before your trip to Taft and meet with your school's teaching team. At this meeting, educational goals, class preferences, lesson plans, dormitory and meal needs are discussed.

Contact Us Regarding Outdoor Education

When you contact our Outdoor Education Coordinator, Melanie Costello, be sure to include:

  • Your name
  • School name
  • Phone number
  • Number in group
  • Grade level(s)
  • Length of desired program (day only or number of nights)
  • When you would like to come (during the regular school year and/or during the summer)

Melanie Costello, Outdoor Education Coordinator
Lorado Taft Field Campus 
1414 North River Road
P.O. Box 299
Oregon, IL 61061
815-753-0205 or
815-732-2111 ext. 132 