GEER Funding

The Governor’s Emergency Education Relief (GEER) are federal dollars intended to help colleges and universities enroll and retain low-income, underrepresented and first-generation students, who might otherwise not enroll or return to school because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Frequently Asked Questions

How did NIU determine who should receive this money?

We considered undergraduates who were enrolled in Fall 2022; had high financial need, low-income level; and in good academic standing. Students who met these criteria received awards to pay down their account balances prior to Fall 2022 to support their enrollment and retention.

I didn’t receive an award; can I appeal this decision?

If you believe that you were eligible and did not receive an award, please contact Financial Aid and Scholarship Office at If you weren’t eligible, there is no process to appeal the eligibility criteria. GEER funds were limited, and we do not expect to be able to provide another program like this in the future.


You may reach out to the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office at to make sure your aid is in order and/or to review additional loan options.

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