Course Home Page

For all users, each course Home Page contains a Notification Dashboard specific to that Course. The notifications are customized to your role, so students see information about upcoming or past due dates and instructors/teaching assistants see information about grading tasks.

Screenshot highlighting various notifications areas of the home page

The course Home Page displays these Notification modules:

  1. To Do: Displays the status (Past Due/Due) of relevant course work and tasks. Students see any grade items that have listed due dates in two categories, what is past due and what is due in the future. Links to relevant course items are provided.
  2. What's New: Displays a list of new items in all relevant courses and organizations. Faculty members and TA’s see any new assignments that have been submitted, tests that have been submitted, new discussion board posts. Students see new discussion board posts, new grades posted, new content that is available.
  3. Needs Attention: Displays all items in a course that require some type of interaction. Faculty members and TA’s see assignments, tests, and surveys that have been submitted.
  4. Alerts: Displays past due and early warning notifications for all courses. Faculty members and TA’s see the users in each course that have past due items and who have generated early warning messages. Links are provided to email students and view early warning system rules. Students see any assignments, tests, or other items that are past due and any early warning messages received.

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