Patricia Skarbinski

Patricia Skarbinski is a Polish-born, American-trained actor, director, and teacher.  She is head of the MFA Acting Program at Northern Illinois University.  She has developed a style of teaching acting called Somatic Meisner, which integrates the Sanford Meisner technique with various somatic practices including Williamson Physical Training for the Actor and Somatic Experiencing®, based on the work of Peter Levine. Additionally, Patricia holds certifications in the Michael Chekhov Technique, Fitzmaurice Voicework®, and Yoga and has extensive experience in Period Style work.  She was awarded the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship to Poland where she worked with directing luminaries Krystian Lupa and Krzysztof Warlikowski.  Patricia is passionate about truth, emotional depth, clarity of purpose, and connection.

Patricia SkarbinksiHead of MFA Acting
Education: MFA, Northern Illinois University
Office: SB 238
Phone: 815-753-8272