Other Resources

City of DeKalb Municipal Ordinances

Some streets on the NIU campus and are governed by traditional City of DeKalb ordinances, not university policies. Links to relevant information on the city's website are provided below. 

University Resources

The university provides services through the Office of Academic Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for those individuals who believe their constitutional rights have been violated or have been the subject of discrimination, harassment, true threats or discrimination based upon race, sex, age, religion, physical ability or any other unlawful basis.

The Office of the Ombudsperson provides students, faculty and staff with confidential, neutral, informal and independent guidance to help solve a variety of university-related issues or conflicts. While the Office of the Ombudsperson cannot provide legal advice or advocate on your behalf, they can advise you of your rights within the university.

Students’ Legal Assistance may offer general advice and guidance on First Amendment law