Peer Review Quick Guide
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Sample Paper Excerpt

A principal investigator (PI) has prepared a collaborative paper describing a study based on 4 experiments, all designed to test a hypothesized effect of an enzyme on 4 different responses by cells. Twenty cell cultures were examined in each of the 4 experiments. The finding revealed:

"Two of the results were statistically significant at the .05 probability level, and 2 failed to reach that level."

The two authors of the paper debate whether to report the insignificant results. The PI argues that journals are not as willing to publish insignificant results, so the important findings might not appear in the literature. The other author, a collaborator, argues that all results should be included, along with a power analysis.
Which perspective has a preponderance of support?

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Developed 2006 by the Faculty Development and Instructional Design Center, Northern Illinois University.