Research Resources

Sponsored Programs Administration

The Sponsored Programs Administration provides expert knowledge of funding agencies, disseminates information about funding opportunities and facilitates a wide variety of proposal development, preparation and budgetary services.

Office of Research Compliance, Integrity & Safety

The Office of Research Compliance, Integrity & Safety was established to help researchers and the University as a whole, to achieve and maintain compliance with federal regulations governing research. The office acts as a liaison between the vice president for research, the institutional official designated with oversight of compliance and the various committees required to monitor research activities.

Institutional Review Board

Human Subjects Research reviews research proposals that involve human participants. Even projects that require minimal involvement of human participants, such as surveys or questionnaires, require some procedural IRB review.

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

NIU has established an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee to review all research and instructional activities that involve the use of live, vertebrate animals and to set forth institutional policy governing such activities.