Fabrication or Falsification

Fabrication or falsification involves unauthorized creation, alteration or reporting of information in an academic activity. Examples of fabrication or falsification include the following:

  • Artificially creating data when it should be collected from an actual experiment
  • Unauthorized altering or falsification of data, documents, images, music, art or other work
  • Unauthorized omission of data, information, or results in documents, reports and presentations
  • Hiding data, results, or information using inappropriate scales, magnification and representation in charts, graphs and other forms of representation
  • Falsifying information pertaining to the subjects participating in an experiment
  • Falsely recruiting subjects for experiments without revealing the purpose of the experiments or receiving institutional approval for involving subjects in the experiment
  • Fabricating sources of information
  • Unauthorized impersonation of another person to complete an academic activity
  • Unauthorized use of another individual's computer login ID and password
  • Unapproved deviation from a predetermined experimental procedure
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